curl -F 'hash=dca86121cc7427e375fd24fe5871d727'
-F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'format=xml' ''
you are using a Prisma Access based WildFire public API key, the
following query would be issued:
curl -F agent=prismaaccessapi 'hash=dca86121cc7427e375fd24fe5871d727'
-F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'format=xml' ''
you are using a Prisma Cloud Compute based WildFire public API key,
the following query would be issued:
curl -F agent=pcc 'hash=dca86121cc7427e375fd24fe5871d727'
-F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'format=xml' ''
response includes detailed information with sections such as file_info
and task_info:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<filetype>Microsoft Excel 97 - 2003 Document</filetype>
<software>DOC/CDF Static Analyzer</software>
<entry>CDF document has abnormal file attributes</entry>
<entry>CDF document has no Last Modified time</entry>
<software>Windows XP, Adobe Reader 9.4.0, Flash 10, Office 2007</software>
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