: Configure Syslog Forwarding to External Destinations

Configure Syslog Forwarding to External Destinations

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Configure Syslog Forwarding to External Destinations

Use Ethernet interfaces to forward syslogs from the Panorama™ management server or Dedicated Log Collector to external destinations.
In the case of a deployment with a high rate of log generation, you can forward syslogs over an Ethernet interface to prevent loss of logs and reduce the load on the management interface, which optimizes management operations.
Syslog forwarding using an Ethernet interface is supported only for a Panorama™ management server in Panorama mode or in Log Collector mode. Additionally, you can enable syslog forwarding on only a single interface regardless whether Panorama is in Panorama mode or Log Collector mode.
  1. Configure a Collector Group.
    On the M-Series appliance, a default Collector Group is predefined and already contains the local Log Collector as a member. However on the Panorama virtual appliance, you must add the Collector Group and add the local Log Collector as a member. For both configurations, you need to assign firewalls to a Log Collector for log forwarding.
  2. Configure a Syslog server profile.
    1. Select PanoramaServer Profiles Syslog and Add a new syslog server profile.
    2. Enter a Name for the syslog server profile.
    3. For each syslog server, Add the information that Panorama or the Dedicated Log Collector requires to connect to it:
      • Name—Unique name for the syslog server.
      • Syslog Server—IP address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the syslog server.
      • Transport—Select UDP, TCP, or SSL as the method of communication with the syslog server.
      • Port—The port number to use when sending syslog messages (default is UDP on port 514); you must use the same port number on Panorama and on the Dedicated Log Collector.
      • Format—Select the syslog message format to use: BSD (default) or IETF. Traditionally, BSD format is over UDP and IETF format is over TCP or SSL.
      • Facility—Select the syslog standard value (default is LOG_USER) to calculate the priority (PRI) field in your syslog server implementation. Select the value that maps to how you use the PRI field to manager your syslogs.
    4. (Optional) To customize which format of syslog messages that Panorama or the Dedicated Log Collector sends, select Custom Log Format. For details about how to create custom formats for the various log types, refer to the Common Event Format Configuratiuon Guide.
    5. Click OK to save the syslog server profile.
  3. Configure an Ethernet interface for forwarding syslogs.
    By default, syslog forwarding is enabled on the management interface and is supported on only one interface at a time.
    • Configure an Ethernet interface on the local Log Collector from the Panorama web interface.
      1. Select PanoramaSetupInterfaces and select an Ethernet interface.
      2. Enable Interface.
      3. Configure the Ethernet interface as appropriate.
      4. In the Device Management Services section, enable Syslog Forwarding.
      5. Select Yes to confirm your syslog forwarding change.
        You can only on a single Ethernet interface on the local Log Collector.
      6. Click OK to save your changes.
      7. Commit and then Commit and Push your configuration changes.
    • Configure an Ethernet interface on a Dedicated Log Collector.
      1. Select PanoramaManaged Collectors and select a Dedicated Log Collector.
      2. Enable Interface.
      3. Configure the Ethernet interface as appropriate.
      4. In the Log Collection Services section, enable Syslog Forwarding.
      5. Select Yes to confirm your syslog forwarding change.
        You can only on a single Ethernet interface on the Dedicated Log Collector.
      6. Click OK to save your changes.
      7. Commit and then Commit and Push your configuration changes.
    • Configure an Ethernet interface on the local Log Collector or Dedicated Log Collector from the Panorama CLI.
      To successfully configure syslog forwarding over an Ethernet interface from the CLI, you must first disable syslog forwarding on the management interface and then enable syslog forwarding on the Ethernet interface from the CLI; Panorama does not automatically disable syslog forwarding over the management interface you enable syslog forwarding on an Ethernet interface from the CLI so syslog forwarding continues over the management interface if you enable it on both the management and Ethernet interfaces.
      1. Disable syslog forwarding on the management interface:
        admin@Panorama> configure
        admin@Panorama> set log-collector <Log Collector Serial Number> deviceconfig system service disable-syslog-forwarding yes
      2. Enable syslog forwarding on the Ethernet interface:
        admin@Panorama> configure
        admin@Panorama> set log-collector <Log Collector Serial Number> deviceconfig system eth<Interface Number> service disable-syslog-forwarding no
        admin@Panorama> commit
      3. Commit your configuration changes:
        admin@Panorama> run commit-all log-collector-config log-collector-group <Collector Group name>