: Add Standalone WildFire Appliances to Manage with Panorama

Add Standalone WildFire Appliances to Manage with Panorama

Table of Contents

Add Standalone WildFire Appliances to Manage with Panorama

You can manage up to 200 WildFire® appliances with a Panorama® M-Series or virtual appliance. The WildFire 200-appliance limit is a combined total of standalone appliances and WildFire appliance cluster nodes (if you also Configure a Cluster and Add Nodes on Panorama).
Ensure that your Panorama server is running PAN-OS® 8.1.0 or a later PAN-OS version, and that any WildFire appliance you add to your Panorama management server is also running PAN-OS 8.1.0 or a later release.
A device registration authentication key is used to securely authenticate and connect the Panorama management server and the WildFire appliance on first connect. To configure the device registration authentication key, specify the key lifetime and the number of times you can use the authentication key to onboard new WildFire appliances. Additionally, you can specify one or more WildFire appliance serial numbers for which the authentication key is valid.
The authentication key expires 90 days after the key lifetime expires. After 90 days, you are prompted to re-certify the authentication key to maintain its validity. If you do not re-certify, then the authentication key becomes invalid. A system log is generated each time a WildFire appliance uses the Panorama-generated authentication key. The WildFire appliance uses the authentication key to authenticate Panorama when it delivers the device certificate that is used for all subsequent communications.
(PAN-OS 10.1 only) For WildFire appliances running a PAN-OS 10.1 release, Panorama running PAN-OS 10.1.3 or later release supports onboarding a WildFire appliance running PAN-OS 10.1.3 or later release only. You cannot add a WildFire appliance running PAN-OS 10.1.2 or earlier PAN-OS 10.1 release to Panorama management if Panorama is running PAN-OS 10.1.3 or later release.
Panorama supports onboarding WildFire appliances running the following releases:
  • Panorama running PAN-OS 10.1.2 or earlier PAN-OS 10.1 release— WildFire appliances running PAN-OS 10.1.2 or earlier PAN-OS 10.1 release, and WildFire appliances running PAN-OS 10.0 or earlier PAN-OS release.
  • Panorama running PAN-OS 10.1.3 or later release— WildFire appliances running PAN-OS 10.1.3 or later release, and WildFire appliances running PAN-OS 10.0 or earlier PAN-OS release.
There is no impact to WildFire appliances already managed by Panorama on upgrade to PAN-OS 10.1.
  1. Using the local CLI, verify that each WildFire appliance that you want to manage on a Panorama management server is running PAN-OS 8.1.0 or a later release.
    admin@qa16> show system info | match version 
    sw-version: 8.0.1-c45 
    wf-content-version: 702-283 
    logdb-version: 8.0.15 
  2. On each Panorama appliance you want to use to manage WildFire appliances, verify that the Panorama management server is running PAN-OS 8.1.0 or a later release.
    DashboardGeneral InformationSoftware Version displays the running software version.
  3. If you aren’t sure whether a WildFire appliance belongs to a WildFire appliance cluster or is a standalone appliance on the local WildFire appliance CLI, check the Node mode to ensure that the status is stand_alone and check the Applicationstatus to ensure that the global-db-service and global-queue-service indicate ReadyStandalone.
    admin@WF-500> show cluster membership 
    Service Summary:  wfpc signature 
    Cluster name: 
    Host name:        WF-500 
    Node name:        wfpc-012345678901-internal 
    Serial number:    012345678901 
    Node mode:        stand_alone 
    Server role:      True 
    HA priority: 
    Last changed:     Mon, 06 Mar 2017 16:34:25 -0800 
    Services:         wfcore signature wfpc infra 
    Monitor status: 
                      Serf Health Status: passing 
                          Agent alive and reachable 
    Application status: 
                      global-db-service: ReadyStandalone 
                      wildfire-apps-service: Ready 
                      global-queue-service: ReadyStandalone 
                      wildfire-management-service: Done 
                      siggen-db: ReadyMaster 
    Diag report: 
             reported leader '', age 0. 
             local node passed sanity check. 
  4. If the WildFire appliances you want to manage with Panorama are new, check Get Started with WildFire to ensure that you complete basic steps such as confirming your WildFire license is active, enabling logging, connecting firewalls to WildFire appliances, and configuring basic WildFire features.
  5. Create a device registration authentication key.
    1. Select PanoramaDevice Registration Auth Key and Add a new authentication key.
    2. Configure the authentication key.
      • Name—Add a descriptive name for the authentication key.
      • Lifetime—Specify the key lifetime for how long you can use the authentication key used to onboard new WildFire appliances.
      • Count—Specify how many times you can use the authentication key to onboard new WildFire appliances.
      • Device Type—Specify that the authentication key is used to authenticate Any device.
      • (Optional) Devices—Enter one or more device serial numbers to specify for which WildFire appliances the authentication key is valid.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Copy Auth Key and Close.
  6. On the local CLI of each WildFire appliance the Panorama server will manage, configure the IP address of the Panorama server and add the device registration authentication key.
    Before you register standalone WildFire appliances to a Panorama appliance, you must first configure the Panorama IP address or FQDN and add the device registration authentication key on each WildFire appliance. This enables each WildFire appliance to securely connect to the Panorama appliance that manages the WildFire appliance. The device registration authentication key is used only for the initial connection to the Panorama server.
    1. Configure the IP address or FQDN of the management interface for the primary Panorama server.
      admin@WF-500# set deviceconfig system panorama-server <ip-address | FQDN>
    2. If you use a backup Panorama appliance for high availability (recommended), configure the IP address or FQDN of the management interface for the backup Panorama server:
      admin@WF-500# set deviceconfig system panorama-server-2 <ip-address | FQDN>
    3. Add the device registration authentication key.
      admin> request authkey set <auth-key>
  7. Register WildFire appliances on the primary Panorama appliance.
    1. From the Panorama web interface, PanoramaManaged WildFire Appliances and Add Appliance.
    2. Enter the serial number of each WildFire appliance on a separate line. If you do not have a list of serial numbers, on each WildFire appliance, run:
      admin@WF-500> show system info | match serial 
      serial: 012345678901 
      Several local CLI commands display the WildFire appliance serial number, including show cluster membership.
    3. Click OK.
      If it is available, information about configuration that is already committed on the WildFire appliances displays, such as IP address and software version.
  8. (Optional) Import WildFire appliance configurations into the Panorama appliance.
    1. Select the appliances that have configurations you want to import from the list of managed WildFire appliances.
    2. Import Config.
    3. Select Yes.
      Importing configurations updates the displayed information and makes the imported configurations part of the Panorama appliance candidate configuration.
    4. Commit to Panorama to make the imported WildFire appliance configurations part of the Panorama running configuration.
  9. Configure or confirm the configuration of the WildFire appliance interfaces.
    Each WildFire appliance has four interfaces: Management (Ethernet0), Analysis Network Environment (Ethernet1), Ethernet2, and Ethernet3.
    1. Select PanoramaManaged WildFire Appliances and select a WildFire appliance.
    2. Select Interfaces.
    3. Select an interface to configure or edit it. You can enable the interface, set the speed and duplex, and configure the IP address and netmask, the default gateway, the MTU, the DNS server, the link state, and the Management Services for each interface. You can also Add permitted IP addresses so that an interface accepts traffic only from specified addresses.
      The Analysis Network Environment, Ethernet2, and Ethernet3 interfaces support only Ping as a Management Services option.
      The Management interface supports Ping, SSH, and SNMP as Management Services options. In addition, the Management interface supports proxy server configuration in case a direct connection to the internet is not possible.
    4. Click OK save your changes.
  10. Commit the configuration on the Panorama appliance and push it to the appliance or to multiple appliances.
    1. Commit and Push.
    2. If there are configurations on the Panorama appliance that you do not want to push, Edit Selections to choose the appliances to which you want to push configurations. The pushed configuration overwrites the running configuration on a WildFire appliance.
  11. Verify the configuration.
    1. Select PanoramaManaged WildFire Appliances.
    2. Check the following fields:
      • Connected—The state is Connected.
      • Role—The role of each WildFire appliance is Standalone.
      • Config Status—The status is InSync.
      • Last Commit StateCommitsucceeded.