: Log in to the Panorama CLI

Log in to the Panorama CLI

Table of Contents

Log in to the Panorama CLI

You can log in to the Panorama CLI using a serial port connection or remotely using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
  • Use SSH to log in to the Panorama CLI.
    The same instructions apply to an M-Series appliance in Log Collector mode.
    1. Ensure the following prerequisites are met:
      • You have a computer with network access to Panorama.
      • You know the Panorama IP address.
      • The Management interface supports SSH, which is the default setting. If an administrator disabled SSH and you want to re-enable it: select PanoramaSetupInterfaces, click Management, select SSH, click OK, select CommitCommit to Panorama, and Commit your changes to the Panorama configuration.
    2. To access the CLI using SSH:
      1. Enter the Panorama IP address in the SSH client and use port 22.
      2. Enter your administrative access credentials when prompted. After you log in, the message of the day displays, followed by the CLI prompt in Operational mode. For example:
  • Use a serial port connection to log in to the Panorama CLI.
    1. Make sure that you have the following:
      • A null-modem serial cable that connects Panorama to a computer with a DB-9 serial port
      • A terminal emulation program running on the computer
    2. Use the following settings in the terminal emulation software to connect: 9600 baud; 8 data bits; 1 stop bit; No parity; No hardware flow control.
    3. Enter your administrative access credentials when prompted. After you log in, the message of the day displays, followed by the CLI prompt in Operational mode.
  • Change to Configuration mode.
    To switch to Configuration mode, enter the following command at the prompt:
    admin@ABC_Sydney> configure 
    The prompt changes to admin@ABC_Sydney#.