: Install Panorama on AWS

Install Panorama on AWS

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Install Panorama on AWS

How to deploy a Panorama™ virtual appliance and a virtual Dedicated Log Collector on Amazon Web Services.
You can now deploy Panorama™ and a Dedicated Log Collector on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Panorama deployed on AWS is Bring Your Own License (BYOL), supports all deployment modes (Panorama, Log Collector, and Management Only), and shares the same processes and functionality as the M-Series hardware appliances. For more information on Panorama modes, see Panorama Models.
  1. Log in to AWS Web Service console and select the EC2 Dashboard.
  2. Set up the virtual private cloud (VPC) for your network needs.
    Whether you launch the Panorama virtual appliance in an existing VPC or you create a new VPC, the Panorama virtual appliance must be able to receive traffic from other instances in the VPC and perform inbound and outbound communication between the VPC and the internet as needed.
    Refer to the AWS VPC documentation for instructions on creating a VPC and setting it up for access.
    1. Create a new VPC or use an existing VPC. Refer to the AWS Getting Started documentation
    2. Verify that the network and security components are appropriately defined.
      • Create an internet gateway to enable internet access to the subnet of your Panorama virtual appliance. Internet access is required to install software and content updates, activate licenses, and leverage Palo Alto Networks cloud services. Otherwise, you must manually install updates and activate licenses.
      • Create subnets. Subnets are segments of the IP address range assigned to the VPC in which you can launch AWS instances. It is recommended that the Panorama virtual appliance belong to the management subnet so that you can configure it to access the internet if needed.
      • Add routes to the route table for a private subnet to ensure traffic can be routed across subnets in the VPC and from the internet if applicable.
        Ensure you create routes between subnets to allow communication between:
        • Panorama, managed firewalls, and Log Collectors.
        • (Optional) Panorama and the internet.
      • Ensure that the following inbound security rules are allowed for the VPC to manage VPC traffic. The ingress traffic source for each rule is unique to your deployment topology.
        See Ports Used for Panorama for more information.
        • Allow SSH (port 22) traffic to enable access to the Panorama CLI.
        • Allow HTTPS (port 443) traffic to enable access to the Panorama web interface.
        • Allow traffic on port 3978 to enable communication between Panorama, manage firewalls, and managed Log Collectors. This port is also used by Log Collectors to forward logs to Panorama.
        • Allow traffic on port 28443 to enable managed firewalls to get software and content updates from Panorama.
  3. Deploy Panorama on Amazon Web Services.
    1. Select ServicesEC2Instances and Launch Instance.
    2. Select AWS Marketplace, search for Palo Alto Networks Panorama, and Select the Panorama AMI and Continue.
    3. Choose the EC2 instance type for allocating the resources required for the Panorama virtual appliance, and click Next: Configure Instance Details. Review the Setup Prerequisites for the Panorama Virtual Appliance for resource requirements.
      If you plan to use the Panorama virtual appliance as a Dedicated Log Collector, ensure that you configure the appliance with the required resources during initial deployment. The Panorama virtual appliance does not remain in Log Collector mode if you resize the virtual machine after you deploy it, and this results in a loss of log data.
    4. Configure the instance details.
      1. Select Next: Configure Instance Details.
      2. For the Network, select the VPC.
      3. Select the Subnet.
      4. To Auto-assign Public IP select Enable.
        This IP must be accessible by the firewalls you plan to manage using Panorama. This allows you to obtain a publicly accessible IP address for the management interface of the Panorama virtual appliance. You can later attach an Elastic IP address to the management interface. Unlike the public IP address that is disassociated from the virtual appliance when the instance is terminated, the Elastic IP address provides persistence and you can the IP address to a new (or replacement) instance of the Panorama virtual appliance without the need to reconfigure the IP address whenever the Panorama virtual appliance instance is powered off.
      5. Configure any additional instance details as needed.
    5. (Optional) Configure the Panorama virtual appliance storage.
      1. Select Next: Add Storage.
      2. Add New Volume to add additional log storage.
        (SD-WAN only) If you plan on managing your SD-WAN deployment in Management Only mode, you must add a 2TB logging disk.
        If you intend to use the Panorama virtual appliance in Panorama mode or as a Dedicated Log Collector, add the virtual logging disks during the initial deployment. By default, the Panorama virtual appliance is in Panorama mode for the initial deployment when you meet the Panorama mode resource requirements and have added at least one virtual logging disk. Otherwise, the Panorama virtual appliance defaults to Management Only mode. Change the Panorama virtual appliance to Management Only mode if you just want to manage devices and Dedicated Log Collectors, and to not collect logs locally.
        The Panorama virtual appliance on AWS only supports 2TB logging disks, and in total supports up to 24TB of log storage. You are unable to add a logging disk smaller than 2TB, or a logging disk with a size not divisible by the 2TB logging disk requirement. The Panorama virtual appliance partitions logging disks larger than 2TB into 2TB partitions.
    6. (Optional) Select Next: Add Tags and add one or more tags as metadata to help you identify and group the Panorama virtual appliance. For example, add a Name tag with a Value that helps you identify which firewalls the Panorama virtual appliance manages.
    7. Configure the instance security group.
      1. Select Next: Configure Security Group.
      2. Select an existing security group to assign a security group for the Panorama virtual appliance instance.
      3. Select the security group you previously created.
        You can select the default security group to allow all inbound and outbound traffic types.
    8. Review and Launch the Panorama virtual appliance instance to verify that your selections are accurate before you Launch.
    9. Select an existing key pair or create a new one and acknowledge the disclaimer.
      If you created a new key from AWS, download and save the key to a safe location. The file extension is .pem. You must load the public key into PuTTYgen and save it in .ppk format. You cannot regenerate this key if lost.
      It takes about 30 minutes to finish deploying the Panorama virtual appliance after you launch it on AWS. Deploying the Panorama virtual appliance may take longer depending on the number and size of the disks attached to the instance. View the Launch Time by selecting the Panorama virtual appliance instance (Instances).
      If you plan to use the Panorama virtual appliance as a Dedicated Log Collector, ensure that you provision the appliance with the required resources. The Panorama virtual appliance does not remain in Log Collector mode if you resize the virtual machine after you deploy it and this results in a loss of log data.
  4. Shut down the Panorama virtual appliance.
    1. On the EC2 Dashboard, select Instances.
    2. Select the Panorama virtual appliance and click Instance StateStop Instance.
  5. Create or assign an Elastic IP (EIP) address to the management interface.
    1. Select ServicesEC2Elastic IPs and Allocate Elastic IP address.
    2. Select a Network Border Group to specify the logical group of zones from where the public IP4v address is advertised.
    3. For the Public IPv4 address pool, select Amazon’s pool of IPv4 addresses.
    4. Allocate the EIP.
    5. Click the IPv4 address in the Allocated IPv4 address column and Associate Elastic IP address.
    6. Select the Panorama virtual appliance Instance.
    7. Select the Panorama virtual appliance Private IP address to with which to associate the EIP.
  6. Power on the Panorama virtual appliance.
    1. On the EC2 Dashboard, select Instance.
    2. From the list, select the Panorama virtual appliance and click ActionsInstance StateStart.
  7. Configure a new administrative password for the Panorama virtual appliance.
    You must configure a unique administrative password before you can access the web interface of the Panorama virtual appliance. To access the CLI, the private key used to launch the Panorama virtual appliance is required.
    The new password must be a minimum of eight characters and include a minimum of one lowercase character, one uppercase character, and one number or special character.
    • If you have an SSH service installed on your computer:
    1. Enter the following command to log into the Panorama virtual appliance:
      ssh -i <private_key.ppk> admin@<public-ip_address>
    2. Configure a new password using the following commands and follow the on screen prompts:
      admin> configure
      admin# set mgt-config users admin password
    3. If you need to activate a BYOL, set the DNS server IP address so that the Panorama virtual appliance can access the Palo Alto Networks licensing server. Enter the following command to set the DNS server IP address:
      admin# set deviceconfig system dns-setting servers primary <ip_address>
    4. Commit your changes with the command:
      admin# commit
    5. Terminate the SSH session.
    • If you are using PuTTY to SSH into the Panorama virtual appliance:
    1. If you are using an existing key pair and have the .ppk file available, continue to the Step 7.3. If you created a new key pair or have only the .pem file of the existing key pair, open PuTTYgen and Load the .pem file.
    2. Save the private key to a local accessible destination.
    3. Open PuTTY and select SSHAuth and then Browse to the .ppk file you saved in the previous step.
    4. Select Sessions and enter the public IP address of the Panorama virtual appliance. Click Open and click Yes when the security prompt appears.
    5. Log in as admin when prompted.
    6. Configure a new password using the following commands and follow the onscreen prompts:
      admin> configure
      admin# set mgt-config users admin password
    7. Set the DNS server IP address so that the Panorama virtual appliance can access the Palo Alto Networks licensing server. Enter the following command to set the DNS server IP address:
      admin# set deviceconfig system dns-setting servers primary <ip_address>
    8. Commit your changes with the command:
      admin# commit
    9. Terminate the SSH session.
  8. Register the Panorama virtual appliance and activate the device management license and support licenses.
    1. (VM Flex Licensing Only) Provisioning the Panorama Virtual Appliance Serial Number.
      When leveraging VM Flex licensing, this step is required to generate the Panorama virtual appliance serial number needed to register the Panorama virtual appliance with the Palo Alto Networks Customer Support Portal (CSP).
    2. Register Panorama.
      You must register the Panorama virtual appliance using the serial number provided by Palo Alto Networks in the order fulfillment email.
      This step is not required when leveraging VM Flex licensing as the serial number is automatically registered with the CSP when generated.
  9. Complete configuring the Panorama virtual appliance for your deployment needs.