: Make Your First WildFire API Call

Make Your First WildFire API Call

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Make Your First WildFire API Call

After you Get Your API Key, use that API key to make your first call to the WildFire API. This first call returns a WildFire analysis report for a Microsoft Excel file that was submitted to WildFire and determined to be malware.
  1. In your cURL POST request to the get/report resource, include your API key along with the MD5 or SHA-256 hash value of the sample. If you are issuing the request using a WildFire public API key associated with a Prisma Access or Prisma Cloud Compute subscription, you must also specify the type by including agent=pcc or agent=prismaaccessapi form parameter in the query, whereby pcc indicates Prisma Cloud Compute and prismaaccessapi indicates Prisma Access. Ensure that a format is specified, which is XML in this example, but can also be retrieved in the PDF and maec formats:
    curl -F 'hash=dca86121cc7427e375fd24fe5871d727'
    -F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'format=xml' 'https://wildfire.paloaltonetworks.com/publicapi/get/report'
    If you are using a Prisma Access based WildFire public API key, the following query would be issued:
    curl -F agent=prismaaccessapi 'hash=dca86121cc7427e375fd24fe5871d727'
    -F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'format=xml' 'https://wildfire.paloaltonetworks.com/publicapi/get/report'
    If you are using a Prisma Cloud Compute based WildFire public API key, the following query would be issued:
    curl -F agent=pcc 'hash=dca86121cc7427e375fd24fe5871d727'
    -F 'apikey=<API KEY>' -F 'format=xml' 'https://wildfire.paloaltonetworks.com/publicapi/get/report'
    The response includes detailed information with sections such as file_info and task_info:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
            <filetype>Microsoft Excel 97 - 2003 Document</filetype> 
                <software>DOC/CDF Static Analyzer</software> 
                    <entry>CDF document has abnormal file attributes</entry> 
                    <entry>CDF document has no Last Modified time</entry> 
                <software>Windows XP, Adobe Reader 9.4.0, Flash 10, Office 2007</software> 
    <!-- truncated --> 
  2. Next Steps...
    When making a cURL request to the WildFire private cloud, ensure that you use the -k option to specify an insecure connection. The WildFire appliance has a private certificate that will not match the certificate authority database. Example:
    -k -F apikey=<API KEY> -F hash=dca86121cc7427e375fd24fe5871d727