: Features Introduced in Network Discovery 2.0.0

Features Introduced in Network Discovery 2.0.0

Table of Contents

Features Introduced in Network Discovery 2.0.0

Review the features introduced in the Network Discovery plugin 2.0.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Panorama
  • Firewalls
  • IoT Security subscription
Review the features introduced in the Network Discovery plugin 2.0.0.
New Feature
Learn Device Attributes by Polling
PAN-OS 11.1 and later releases
You can now learn device attributes by polling using various protocols through the Network Discovery plugin. When the Network Discovery plugin successfully polls a device, IoT Security adds whatever attributes it didn't yet have for the device. When it learns attributes for assets that aren't yet in its database, it creates new entries for the devices. If IoT Security learns only an IP address, it adds a new entry to the IP Endpoints page.

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