: Addressed issues in Panorama Plugin for AWS 5.1.1

Addressed issues in Panorama Plugin for AWS 5.1.1

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Addressed issues in Panorama Plugin for AWS 5.1.1

The following are the fixed issues in the Panorama plugin for AWS 5.1.1:


Optimized the processing time taken by monitoring definitions when retrieving IP addresses.


Fixed in Panorama plugin for AWS 5.1.1.
When using Panorama Plugin for AWS, the CloudFormation template stack deployment fails when creating
. To resolve this issue, include the parameter
. For example, the template should resemble:
"VPCEndpointServicePermissions": { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions", "Properties" : {
"AllowedPrincipals" : ["*"],
"ServiceId" : {"Ref": "VPCEndpointService"} }, "DependsOn": ["VPCEndpointService"] },


Added a fix for the plugin to handle if
connect timeout
error is hit while the plugin is querying the AWS stack when the stack update is in progress in order to prevent the splugin deployment status wrongly going into failure state (even though the cloud formation stack goes to success state eventually) .
Added a fix for the plugin to point to the launch template version that is obtained from the AWS API response if the other intrusive parameters have not been changed.

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