If you are using the ServiceNow issue tracking system to manage your team's tasks,
you can
link SSPM to a ServiceNow instance. This
link enables you to create tickets in ServiceNow directly from SSPM. SSPM links to
your ServiceNow instance through OAuth 2.0 authorization. To enable OAuth 2.0
authorization, you first register an OAuth integration application in ServiceNow.
You can then link to the ServiceNow instance by supplying SSPM with your ServiceNow
instance URL and the application credentials for your OAuth application. This OAuth
application can be the same one that you use to
connect SSPM to ServiceNow for configuration
scans. However, be aware that SSPM uses different redirect URLs depending
on whether you are onboarding ServiceNow for configuration scans or linking to
ServiceNow for ticketing. Your OAuth integration application can specify both of
these redirect URLs. If you have already onboarded ServiceNow for configuration
scans, you can update your OAuth 2.0 application to include the additional redirect
URL for ticketing.