: Authentication Profiles and Sequences

Authentication Profiles and Sequences

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Authentication Profiles and Sequences

An authentication profile defines the authentication service that validates the login credentials of administrators when they access Panorama. The service can be local authentication or an external authentication service. Some services (SAML, TACACS+, and RADIUS) provide the option to manage both authentication and authorization for administrative accounts on the external server instead of on Panorama. In addition to the authentication service, the authentication profile defines options such as Kerberos single sign-on (SSO) and SAML single logout (SSO).
Some networks have multiple databases (such as TACACS+ and LDAP) for different users and user groups. To authenticate administrators in such cases, configure an authentication sequence—a ranked order of authentication profiles that Panorama matches an administrator against during login. Panorama checks against each profile in sequence until one successfully authenticates the administrator. An administrator is denied access only if authentication fails for all the profiles in the sequence.