Table of Contents
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- About Custom Application Signatures
- Create a Custom Application Signature
- Create a Custom L3 & L4 Vulnerability Signature
- Test a Custom Signature
- Custom Signature Pattern Requirements
- Testing Pattern Performance Impact
- dhcp-req-chaddr
- dhcp-req-ciaddr
- dhcp-rsp-chaddr
- dhcp-rsp-ciaddr
- dns-req-addition-section
- dns-req-answer-section
- dns-req-authority-section
- dns-req-header
- dns-req-protocol-payload
- dns-req-section
- dns-rsp-addition-section
- dns-rsp-answer-section
- dns-rsp-authority-section
- dns-rsp-header
- dns-rsp-protocol-payload
- dns-rsp-ptr-answer-data
- dns-rsp-queries-section
- email-headers
- file-data
- file-elf-body
- file-flv-body
- file-html-body
- file-java-body
- file-mov-body
- file-office-content
- file-pdf-body
- file-riff-body
- file-swf-body
- file-tiff-body
- file-unknown-body
- ftp-req-params
- ftp-req-protocol-payload
- ftp-rsp-protocol-payload
- ftp-rsp-banner
- ftp-rsp-message
- gdbremote-req-context
- gdbremote-rsp-context
- giop-req-message-body
- giop-rsp-message-body
- h225-payload
- http-req-cookie
- http-req-headers
- http-req-host-header
- http-req-host-ipv4-address-found
- http-req-host-ipv6-address-found
- http-req-message-body
- http-req-mime-form-data
- http-req-ms-subdomain
- http-req-origin-headers
- http-req-params
- http-req-uri
- http-req-uri-path
- http-req-user-agent-header
- http-rsp-headers
- http-rsp-non-2xx-response-body
- http-rsp-reason
- icmp-req-code
- icmp-req-data
- icmp-req-type
- icmp-req-protocol-payload
- icmp-rsp-data
- icmp-rsp-protocol-payload
- icmp-req-possible-custom-payload
- ike-req-headers
- ike-rsp-headers
- ike-req-payload-text
- ike-rsp-payload-text
- imap-req-cmd-line
- imap-req-first-param
- imap-req-params-after-first-param
- imap-req-protocol-payload
- imap-rsp-protocol-payload
- irc-req-params
- irc-req-prefix
- jpeg-file-scan-data
- jpeg-file-segment-data
- jpeg-file-segment-header
- ldap-req-searchrequest-baseobject
- ldap-rsp-searchresentry-objectname
- ms-ds-smb-req-share-name
- ms-ds-smb-req-v1-create-filename
- ms-ds-smb-req-v2-create-filename
- msrpc-req-bind-data
- mssql-db-req-body
- netbios-dg-req-protocol-payload
- netbios-dg-rsp-protocol-payload
- netbios-ns-req-protocol-payload
- netbios-ns-rsp-protocol-payload
- nettcp-req-context
- oracle-req-data-text
- pe-dos-headers
- pe-file-header
- pe-optional-header
- pe-section-header
- pe-body-data
- pop3-req-protocol-payload
- pop3-rsp-protocol-payload
- pre-app-req-data
- pre-app-rsp-data
- rtmp-req-message-body
- rtsp-req-headers
- rtsp-req-uri-path
- sip-req-headers
- snmp-req-community-text
- smtp-req-argument
- smtp-rsp-content
- smtp-req-protocol-payload
- smtp-rsp-protocol-payload
- ssh-req-banner
- ssh-rsp-banner
- ssl-req-certificate
- ssl-req-chello-sni
- ssl-req-client-hello
- ssl-req-protocol-payload
- ssl-req-random-bytes
- ssl-rsp-cert-subjectpublickey
- ssl-rsp-certificate
- ssl-rsp-protocol-payload
- ssl-rsp-server-hello
- tcp-context-free
- telnet-req-client-data
- telnet-rsp-server-data
- udp-context-free
- unknown-req-tcp-payload
- unknown-rsp-tcp-payload
- unknown-req-udp-payload
- unknown-rsp-udp-payload
- dnp3-req-func-code
- dnp3-req-object-type
- dns-rsp-tcp-over-dns
- dns-rsp-txt-found
- ftp-req-params-len
- http-req-connect-method
- http-req-content-length
- http-req-cookie-length
- http-req-dst-port
- http-req-header-length
- http-req-param-length
- http-req-no-host-header
- http-req-no-version-string-small-pkt
- http-req-simple-request
- http-req-uri-path-length
- http-req-uri-tilde-count-num
- http-rsp-code
- http-rsp-content-length
- http-rsp-total-headers-len
- iccp-req-func-code
- ike-req-payload-type
- ike-rsp-payload-type
- ike-req-payload-length
- ike-rsp-payload-length
- ike-version
- imap-req-cmd-param-len
- imap-req-first-param-len
- imap-req-param-len-from-second
- irc-req-protocol-payload
- irc-rsp-protocol-payload
- open-vpn-req-protocol-payload
- pfcp-req-msg-type
- pfcp-rsp-msg-type
- smtp-req-helo-argument-length
- smtp-req-mail-argument-length
- smtp-req-rcpt-argument-length
- sctp-req-ppid
- ssl-req-client-hello-ext-type
- ssl-req-client-hello-missing-sni
- ssl-rsp-version
- stun-req-attr-type
- panav-rsp-zip-compression-ratio
- Context Qualifiers
Host field in a HTTP request header.
Additional Details
The pattern
match searches for a pattern only within the highlighted field.
By default it does not apply line start and line end anchors; as
a result, the pattern ‘’ will match with <anytext><anytext>.
To initiate an exact match search, you must add a <space> before
the pattern and ‘\r\n’ after the pattern on PAN-OS 9.1 and earlier.
Starting with PAN-OS 10.0 you can use the following anchor characters:
^ and $ to specify a string start and end.
Context Capture
This context provides
the text highlighted in yellow. This context can use HTTP header
field and HTTP method qualifiers to limit signatures to HTTP headers
with specific values for select header fields and for specific HTTP