Table of Contents
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- About Custom Application Signatures
- Create a Custom Application Signature
- Create a Custom L3 & L4 Vulnerability Signature
- Test a Custom Signature
- Custom Signature Pattern Requirements
- Testing Pattern Performance Impact
- dhcp-req-chaddr
- dhcp-req-ciaddr
- dhcp-rsp-chaddr
- dhcp-rsp-ciaddr
- dns-req-addition-section
- dns-req-answer-section
- dns-req-authority-section
- dns-req-header
- dns-req-protocol-payload
- dns-req-section
- dns-rsp-addition-section
- dns-rsp-answer-section
- dns-rsp-authority-section
- dns-rsp-header
- dns-rsp-protocol-payload
- dns-rsp-ptr-answer-data
- dns-rsp-queries-section
- email-headers
- file-data
- file-elf-body
- file-flv-body
- file-html-body
- file-java-body
- file-mov-body
- file-office-content
- file-pdf-body
- file-riff-body
- file-swf-body
- file-tiff-body
- file-unknown-body
- ftp-req-params
- ftp-req-protocol-payload
- ftp-rsp-protocol-payload
- ftp-rsp-banner
- ftp-rsp-message
- gdbremote-req-context
- gdbremote-rsp-context
- giop-req-message-body
- giop-rsp-message-body
- h225-payload
- http-req-cookie
- http-req-headers
- http-req-host-header
- http-req-host-ipv4-address-found
- http-req-host-ipv6-address-found
- http-req-message-body
- http-req-mime-form-data
- http-req-ms-subdomain
- http-req-origin-headers
- http-req-params
- http-req-uri
- http-req-uri-path
- http-req-user-agent-header
- http-rsp-headers
- http-rsp-non-2xx-response-body
- http-rsp-reason
- icmp-req-code
- icmp-req-data
- icmp-req-type
- icmp-req-protocol-payload
- icmp-rsp-data
- icmp-rsp-protocol-payload
- icmp-req-possible-custom-payload
- ike-req-headers
- ike-rsp-headers
- ike-req-payload-text
- ike-rsp-payload-text
- imap-req-cmd-line
- imap-req-first-param
- imap-req-params-after-first-param
- imap-req-protocol-payload
- imap-rsp-protocol-payload
- irc-req-params
- irc-req-prefix
- jpeg-file-scan-data
- jpeg-file-segment-data
- jpeg-file-segment-header
- ldap-req-searchrequest-baseobject
- ldap-rsp-searchresentry-objectname
- ms-ds-smb-req-share-name
- ms-ds-smb-req-v1-create-filename
- ms-ds-smb-req-v2-create-filename
- msrpc-req-bind-data
- mssql-db-req-body
- netbios-dg-req-protocol-payload
- netbios-dg-rsp-protocol-payload
- netbios-ns-req-protocol-payload
- netbios-ns-rsp-protocol-payload
- nettcp-req-context
- oracle-req-data-text
- pe-dos-headers
- pe-file-header
- pe-optional-header
- pe-section-header
- pe-body-data
- pop3-req-protocol-payload
- pop3-rsp-protocol-payload
- pre-app-req-data
- pre-app-rsp-data
- rtmp-req-message-body
- rtsp-req-headers
- rtsp-req-uri-path
- sip-req-headers
- snmp-req-community-text
- smtp-req-argument
- smtp-rsp-content
- smtp-req-protocol-payload
- smtp-rsp-protocol-payload
- ssh-req-banner
- ssh-rsp-banner
- ssl-req-certificate
- ssl-req-chello-sni
- ssl-req-client-hello
- ssl-req-protocol-payload
- ssl-req-random-bytes
- ssl-rsp-cert-subjectpublickey
- ssl-rsp-certificate
- ssl-rsp-protocol-payload
- ssl-rsp-server-hello
- tcp-context-free
- telnet-req-client-data
- telnet-rsp-server-data
- udp-context-free
- unknown-req-tcp-payload
- unknown-rsp-tcp-payload
- unknown-req-udp-payload
- unknown-rsp-udp-payload
- dnp3-req-func-code
- dnp3-req-object-type
- dns-rsp-tcp-over-dns
- dns-rsp-txt-found
- ftp-req-params-len
- http-req-connect-method
- http-req-content-length
- http-req-cookie-length
- http-req-dst-port
- http-req-header-length
- http-req-param-length
- http-req-no-host-header
- http-req-no-version-string-small-pkt
- http-req-simple-request
- http-req-uri-path-length
- http-req-uri-tilde-count-num
- http-rsp-code
- http-rsp-content-length
- http-rsp-total-headers-len
- iccp-req-func-code
- ike-req-payload-type
- ike-rsp-payload-type
- ike-req-payload-length
- ike-rsp-payload-length
- ike-version
- imap-req-cmd-param-len
- imap-req-first-param-len
- imap-req-param-len-from-second
- irc-req-protocol-payload
- irc-rsp-protocol-payload
- open-vpn-req-protocol-payload
- pfcp-req-msg-type
- pfcp-rsp-msg-type
- smtp-req-helo-argument-length
- smtp-req-mail-argument-length
- smtp-req-rcpt-argument-length
- sctp-req-ppid
- ssl-req-client-hello-ext-type
- ssl-req-client-hello-missing-sni
- ssl-rsp-version
- stun-req-attr-type
- panav-rsp-zip-compression-ratio
- Context Qualifiers
First parameter to an IMAP command.
Additional Details
Context Capture
This context provides
the text highlighted in yellow. This context can use the IMAP command
qualifier to limit signatures to specific IMAP commands.