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Clone a Snippet

With the newest update to Strata Cloud Manager app, users can now clone their custom snippets to build off of security building blocks they have already configured.
Snippets are configuration objects, or groups of configuration objects, that can be associated with your folders, firewalls, and Prisma Access deployments onboarded to Strata Cloud Manager. They are use to standardize configurations, allowing you to push changes quickly to multiple areas simultaneously. Snippets can be used to manage common configurations centrally for consistent security enforcement across NGFW and Prisma Access deployments. Snippets are classified in two ways: Predefined and Custom. Predefined snippets are available to all Strata Cloud Manager users and can be used to quickly get your new firewalls and deployments up and running with best practice configurations. Customs snippets are any snippets created by administrators.
Preexisting snippets can now be cloned.
If you want to use an existing snippet as a template for a new snippet, you can easily clone it so you do not have to configure a completely new object.
Cloned snippets are not associated with any devices, folders, or deployments, allowing you to customize them freely without having to disassociate them before you begin.