: Strata Cloud Manager Connectivity Using Port 443

Strata Cloud Manager Connectivity Using Port 443

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Strata Cloud Manager Connectivity Using Port 443

Configure NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) to connect to Strata Cloud Manager using port 443.
Palo Alto Networks NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) use the dedicated non-standard port 3978 to communicate with Strata Cloud Manager by default. In PAN-OS 11.2, you can instead configure NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) onboarding to Strata Cloud Manager to use destination port 443 instead of port 3978. Ports 3978 and 443 offer the same functionality for NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) and Strata Cloud Manager communication. However, port 443 offers some distinct advantages when managing your network configurations, reducing your network attack surface, and implementing Security policy rules and audits:
  • Ease of Configuration and Use—Port 443 is the standard port used for HTTP traffic encrypted with SSL. Using port 443 for NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) and Strata Cloud Manager communication greatly simplifies network configuration management for both administrators and end users.
    Additionally, many corporate networks restrict incoming and outgoing traffic to a limited set of ports to minimize the network attack surface area. Port 443 is already commonly allowed on most enterprise networks without the need for additional network configurations. Using port 443 for NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) and Strata Cloud Manager communication also improves your security posture by reducing the number of ports allowed on your network.
  • Improved Compatibility—Port 443 is universally accepted and is the expected port for secure communications. Security tools that use port 443 are normally compatible with existing security configurations. This greatly reduces the need for custom firewall configurations and rules.