Table of Contents
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- About Custom Application Signatures
- Create a Custom Application Signature
- Create a Custom L3 & L4 Vulnerability Signature
- Test a Custom Signature
- Custom Signature Pattern Requirements
- Testing Pattern Performance Impact
- dhcp-req-chaddr
- dhcp-req-ciaddr
- dhcp-rsp-chaddr
- dhcp-rsp-ciaddr
- dns-req-addition-section
- dns-req-answer-section
- dns-req-authority-section
- dns-req-header
- dns-req-protocol-payload
- dns-req-section
- dns-rsp-addition-section
- dns-rsp-answer-section
- dns-rsp-authority-section
- dns-rsp-header
- dns-rsp-protocol-payload
- dns-rsp-ptr-answer-data
- dns-rsp-queries-section
- email-headers
- file-data
- file-elf-body
- file-flv-body
- file-html-body
- file-java-body
- file-mov-body
- file-office-content
- file-pdf-body
- file-riff-body
- file-swf-body
- file-tiff-body
- file-unknown-body
- ftp-req-params
- ftp-req-protocol-payload
- ftp-rsp-protocol-payload
- ftp-rsp-banner
- ftp-rsp-message
- gdbremote-req-context
- gdbremote-rsp-context
- giop-req-message-body
- giop-rsp-message-body
- h225-payload
- http-req-cookie
- http-req-headers
- http-req-host-header
- http-req-host-ipv4-address-found
- http-req-host-ipv6-address-found
- http-req-message-body
- http-req-mime-form-data
- http-req-ms-subdomain
- http-req-origin-headers
- http-req-params
- http-req-uri
- http-req-uri-path
- http-req-user-agent-header
- http-rsp-headers
- http-rsp-non-2xx-response-body
- http-rsp-reason
- icmp-req-code
- icmp-req-data
- icmp-req-type
- icmp-req-protocol-payload
- icmp-rsp-data
- icmp-rsp-protocol-payload
- icmp-req-possible-custom-payload
- ike-req-headers
- ike-rsp-headers
- ike-req-payload-text
- ike-rsp-payload-text
- imap-req-cmd-line
- imap-req-first-param
- imap-req-params-after-first-param
- imap-req-protocol-payload
- imap-rsp-protocol-payload
- irc-req-params
- irc-req-prefix
- jpeg-file-scan-data
- jpeg-file-segment-data
- jpeg-file-segment-header
- ldap-req-searchrequest-baseobject
- ldap-rsp-searchresentry-objectname
- ms-ds-smb-req-share-name
- ms-ds-smb-req-v1-create-filename
- ms-ds-smb-req-v2-create-filename
- msrpc-req-bind-data
- mssql-db-req-body
- netbios-dg-req-protocol-payload
- netbios-dg-rsp-protocol-payload
- netbios-ns-req-protocol-payload
- netbios-ns-rsp-protocol-payload
- nettcp-req-context
- oracle-req-data-text
- pe-dos-headers
- pe-file-header
- pe-optional-header
- pe-section-header
- pe-body-data
- pop3-req-protocol-payload
- pop3-rsp-protocol-payload
- pre-app-req-data
- pre-app-rsp-data
- rtmp-req-message-body
- rtsp-req-headers
- rtsp-req-uri-path
- sip-req-headers
- snmp-req-community-text
- smtp-req-argument
- smtp-rsp-content
- smtp-req-protocol-payload
- smtp-rsp-protocol-payload
- ssh-req-banner
- ssh-rsp-banner
- ssl-req-certificate
- ssl-req-chello-sni
- ssl-req-client-hello
- ssl-req-protocol-payload
- ssl-req-random-bytes
- ssl-rsp-cert-subjectpublickey
- ssl-rsp-certificate
- ssl-rsp-protocol-payload
- ssl-rsp-server-hello
- tcp-context-free
- telnet-req-client-data
- telnet-rsp-server-data
- udp-context-free
- unknown-req-tcp-payload
- unknown-rsp-tcp-payload
- unknown-req-udp-payload
- unknown-rsp-udp-payload
- dnp3-req-func-code
- dnp3-req-object-type
- dns-rsp-tcp-over-dns
- dns-rsp-txt-found
- ftp-req-params-len
- http-req-connect-method
- http-req-content-length
- http-req-cookie-length
- http-req-dst-port
- http-req-header-length
- http-req-param-length
- http-req-no-host-header
- http-req-no-version-string-small-pkt
- http-req-simple-request
- http-req-uri-path-length
- http-req-uri-tilde-count-num
- http-rsp-code
- http-rsp-content-length
- http-rsp-total-headers-len
- iccp-req-func-code
- ike-req-payload-type
- ike-rsp-payload-type
- ike-req-payload-length
- ike-rsp-payload-length
- ike-version
- imap-req-cmd-param-len
- imap-req-first-param-len
- imap-req-param-len-from-second
- irc-req-protocol-payload
- irc-rsp-protocol-payload
- open-vpn-req-protocol-payload
- pfcp-req-msg-type
- pfcp-rsp-msg-type
- smtp-req-helo-argument-length
- smtp-req-mail-argument-length
- smtp-req-rcpt-argument-length
- sctp-req-ppid
- ssl-req-client-hello-ext-type
- ssl-req-client-hello-missing-sni
- ssl-rsp-version
- stun-req-attr-type
- panav-rsp-zip-compression-ratio
- Context Qualifiers
GDB is a process debugger that has the ability to debug
across the network. This context provides the request data.
Additional Details
Context Capture
After capturing the GDB
network data, follow the TCP stream to view the data. In this instance,
everything in red is the request data, and that is what this context provides.