: Prepare the Bootstrap Package

Prepare the Bootstrap Package

Table of Contents

Prepare the Bootstrap Package

On AWS, Azure, or GCP, you can create the bootstrap package in your public cloud storage.
  • VM-Series plugin version 1.0.13 and earlier, and versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 support one bootstrap package per storage bucket.
  • VM-Series plugin versions 2.0.2 and later also support subfolders within your public cloud storage bucket. Within a bucket you can create multiple folders and subfolders, each containing a bootstrap package. Typically a folder represents configuration for a group of VMs, such as a Panorama device group.
    To access the bootstrap package, specify the full path to the bootstrap folder. For example: my-storage/my-firewalls/bootstrap-2020-10-15
Use the following procedure to prepare the bootstrap package.
  1. Create the top-level directory structure for the bootstrap package.
    On your local client or laptop, or in a public cloud storage bucket, create the following folders:
    You can leave a folder empty, but you must have /config, /license, /software, and /content folders. The /plugins folder is optional, and only required if you are upgrading the VM-Series plugin independent of a PAN-OS release.
    Do not place any other files or folders in the bootstrap structure. Adding other files or folders will result in a bootstrapping failure.
          /internal     /external   
            /config        /config  
            /content       /content 
            /license       /license 
            /plugins       /plugins 
            /software      /software
  2. Add content within each folder.
    For an overview of the process, see Bootstrap Package. For details on the files in the /config folder, see Bootstrap Configuration Files.
    • If you save the keys to the license folder, you can use a file naming convention that works for you, but keep the .key extension in the filename. For auth codes, create a text file named authcodes (without a file extension), add your auth codes to that file, and save it to the license folder.
    • Use an auth code bundle instead of individual auth codes so that the firewall or orchestration service can simultaneously fetch all license keys associated with a firewall. If you use individual auth codes instead of a bundle, the firewall will retrieve only the license key for the first auth code included in the file.
    • In the /plugins folder, supply only one VM-Series plugin binary. Do not supply multiple plugin versions.
  3. Create the bootstrap package.
    For VM-Series firewalls, create the image in the appropriate format for your hypervisor. See Bootstrap Package Delivery.