: Redistribute User-ID Information to Managed Firewalls

Redistribute User-ID Information to Managed Firewalls

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Redistribute User-ID Information to Managed Firewalls

To ensure all the firewalls that enforce policies and generate reports have the required IP address-to-username mappings and authentication timestamps for your entire user base, you can leverage your Panorama and distributed log collection infrastructure to redistribute the mappings and timestamps.
Before you configure User-ID Redistribution Using Panorama and Log Collectors:
  • Configure a Dedicated Log Collector to redistribute User-ID information.
    A Log Collector that is local to the Panorama management server does not redistribute User-ID information.
    1. Add Panorama, firewalls, or virtual systems as User-ID redistribution points to a Log Collector:
      1. Select PanoramaManaged Collectors and select the Log Collector to edit it.
      2. Select User-ID Agents and Add a redistribution point.
        1. Enter a Name to identify the redistribution point.
        2. Enter the Host name or IP address of the interface on the firewall or Panorama that will respond to User-ID information queries from the Log Collector.
        3. Enter the Port number on which Panorama or the firewall will listen for User-ID information queries (default is 5007).
        4. If the redistribution point is a firewall or virtual system, enter the Collector Name and Collector Pre-Shared Key.
          In this context, the collector is a User-ID collector, not a Log Collector.
        5. Click OK to save your changes.
    2. Enable the management (MGT) interface of the Log Collector to respond to User-ID information queries from Panorama or firewalls:
      1. Select PanoramaManaged Collectors and select the Log Collector to edit it.
      2. Select Interfaces and Management.
      3. Select User-ID in the Network Connectivity Services section and click OK.
    3. Click OK to save your changes to the Log Collector.
    4. Select CommitCommit and Push to activate your changes on Panorama and push the changes to the Log Collector.
  • Configure the Panorama management server to redistribute User-ID information.
    1. Add Log Collectors, firewalls, or virtual systems as redistribution points to Panorama:
      1. Select PanoramaUser Identification and Add each redistribution point.
      2. Enter a Name to identify the redistribution point.
      3. Enter the Host name or IP address of the MGT interface on the Log Collector or firewall.
      4. Enter the Port number on which the Log Collector or firewall will listen for User-ID information queries (default is 5007).
      5. If the redistribution point is a firewall or virtual system, enter the Collector Name and Collector Pre-Shared Key.
      6. Click OK to save the configuration.
    2. Enable the Panorama MGT interface to respond to User-ID information queries from Log Collectors or firewalls:
      If the Panorama management server has a high availability (HA) configuration, perform this step on each HA peer as a best practice so that redistribution continues if Panorama fails over.
      1. Select PanoramaSetupInterfaces and Management.
      2. Select User-ID in the Network Connectivity Services section and click OK.
    3. Select CommitCommit to Panorama to activate your changes on Panorama.
  • Configure firewalls to receive User-ID information from Panorama or Log Collectors.
    If you are using Panorama to manage both your firewall and the Dedicated Log Collector (DLC), and you want to configure the firewall to receive User-ID information from Panorama or the log collectors, add the User-ID agent using the serial number to the Panorama template, then push the template to the firewall. If you add the User-ID agent on the firewall using the serial number, you will only see Panorama and not the DLC, and you will need to add the DLC to the firewall using the host and port number.
    1. Select DeviceUser IdentificationUser-ID Agents, select the Template to which the firewalls are assigned, and Add one of the following as a redistribution point:
      • PanoramaAdd an Agent Using the Serial Number, and set the Serial Number to panorama for the active or solitary Panorama or to panorama2 (HA only) for the passive Panorama.
      • Log CollectorAdd an Agent Using the Host and Port. Enter the Host name or IP address of the MGT interface on the Log Collector. Then enter the Port number on which the Log Collector listens for User-ID information queries (default is 5007).
    2. Click OK to save the configuration.
    3. Select CommitCommit and Push to activate your changes on Panorama and push the changes to the firewalls.
  • Verify that Panorama, Log Collectors, and firewalls receive redistributed user mappings.
    1. Access the CLI of a firewall, Log Collector, or Panorama management server that redistributes User-ID information.
    2. Display all the user mappings by running the following command:
      > show user ip-user-mapping all 
    3. Record the IP address associated with any one username.
    4. Access the CLI of a firewall, Log Collector, or Panorama management server that receives redistributed User-ID information.
    5. Display the mapping information and authentication timestamp for the <IP-address> you recorded:
      > show user ip-user-mapping ip <IP-address>  
      IP address: (vsys1) 
      User:          corpdomain\username1 
      From:          UIA 
      Idle Timeout:  10229s 
      Max. TTL:      10229s 
      MFA Timestamp: first(1) - 2016/12/09 08:35:04 
      Group(s):      corpdomain\groupname(621) 
      This example output shows the timestamp for a response to one authentication challenge (factor). For Authentication rules that use multi-factor authentication (MFA), the output shows multiple timestamps.