: Downgrade from Panorama 9.1

Downgrade from Panorama 9.1

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Downgrade from Panorama 9.1

Procedure on how to downgrade from Panorama 9.1 to Panorama 9.0.
PAN-OS® 9.1 introduces the ability for the firewall to automatically revert its configuration to the last running configuration if the connection between the Panorama management server and the firewall is broken and support for SD-WAN. However, these features are not compatible with Panorama™ running PAN-OS 9.0 or earlier release. Use the following workflow to downgrade firewalls before you downgrade Log Collectors and Panorama running a Panorama 9.1 release to an earlier feature release. This procedure works both for Panorama when managing a local Log Collector and for Panorama when managing one or more Dedicated Log Collectors.
Review the Palo Alto Networks Compatibility Matrix to confirm that the firewalls and appliances you intend to downgrade are compatible with the PAN-OS release to which you intend to downgrade. For example, PA-220, PA-800 Series, PA-5200 Series and some VM-Series firewalls are not supported on any release earlier than PAN-OS 8.0 and you cannot manage these firewalls from Panorama after you downgrade Panorama to Panorama 7.1. For the firewalls and appliances that you can downgrade, you should also review the Upgrade/Downgrade Considerations to ensure that you account for all features and configuration settings that will be different or unavailable after you downgrade.
  1. Save a backup of the configuration files for Panorama and managed devices.
    1. Export Panorama and device configuration snapshot (PanoramaSetupOperations).
    2. Save the exported .tgz file to a location external to Panorama, Log Collectors, and firewalls. You can use this backup to restore the configuration if you experience problems that cause you to start over.
  2. Downgrade each firewall running a PAN-OS 9.1 release.
    If downgrading more than one firewall, streamline the process by having each firewall-specific PAN-OS 9.0 image downloaded to Panorama before you start downgrading. For example, to downgrade your PA-220 firewall to PAN-OS 9.0.0, download the PanOS_220-9.0.0 or PanOS_3000-9.0.0 images.
    Panorama requires that all firewalls are running the same or an earlier PAN-OS release. So before you downgrade Panorama, use and repeat the appropriate tasks below according to your environment to downgrade all managed firewalls as needed:
    1. Check Now for available images (PanoramaDevice DeploymentSoftware).
    2. Locate the PAN-OS 9.0 image for each model or series of firewalls you intend to downgrade. If the image is not already downloaded, then Download it.
    Non-HA Firewalls
    Install (Action column) the appropriate PAN-OS 9.0 version, select all the firewalls you intend to downgrade, select Reboot device after install, and click OK.
    Active/Active HA Firewalls
    1. Click Install, disable (clear) Group HA Peers, select either of the HA peers, select Reboot device after install, and click OK. Wait for the firewall to finish rebooting before you proceed.
    2. Click Install, disable (clear) Group HA Peers, select the HA peer that you didn’t update in the previous step, select Reboot device after install, and click OK.
    Active/Passive HA Firewalls
    In this example, the active firewall is named fw1 and the passive firewall is named fw2:
    1. Install (Action column) the appropriate update, disable (clear) Group HA Peers, select fw2, select Reboot device after install, and click OK.
    2. After fw2 finishes rebooting, verify fw1 (DashboardHigh Availability widget) is still the active peer and that fw2 is still the passive peer (the Local firewall state is active and the Peer—fw2—is passive).
    3. Access fw1 and Suspend local device (DeviceHigh AvailabilityOperational Commands).
    4. Access fw2 (DashboardHigh Availability) and verify that the Local firewall state is active and the Peer firewall—fw1—is suspended.
    5. Access Panorama, select PanoramaDevice DeploymentSoftware, Install (Action column) the appropriate update, disable (clear) Group HA Peers, select fw1, select Reboot device after install, and click OK. Wait for fw1 to finish rebooting before you proceed.
    6. Access fw1 (DashboardHigh Availability widget) and verify that the Local firewall state is passive and the Peer—fw2—is active.
      If you enabled preemption in the Election settings (DeviceHigh AvailabilityGeneral), then fw1 will be reinstated as the active peer after reboot.
  3. Downgrade each Log Collector running Panorama 9.1.
    1. Check Now for available images (PanoramaDevice DeploymentSoftware).
    2. Locate the Panorama 9.0 image. If the image is not already downloaded, then Download it (Action column).
    3. After the download is complete, Install the image on each Log Collector running Panorama 9.1. Select Reboot device after install to automatically reboot the device when the upgrade is complete.
  4. Downgrade Panorama.
    1. Check Now for available images (PanoramaDevice DeploymentSoftware).
    2. Locate the Panorama 9.0 image. If the image is not already downloaded, then Download it.
    3. After the download is complete, Install the image on Panorama.
    4. Reboot Panorama as follows:
      • If you are prompted to reboot, click Yes. If you see a CMS Login prompt, press Enter without typing the username or password. When the Panorama login prompt appears, enter the username and password you set during initial configuration.
      • If you are not prompted to reboot, select PanoramaSetupOperations and click Reboot Panorama (Device Operations).
  5. Migrate Panorama logs to the PAN-OS 9.0 log format.
    During the migration, log data is not visible in the ACC or Monitor tabs. Additionally, new log data is not forwarded to Log Collectors until the migration is complete.
    1. View the incoming logging rate.
      For best results, start log migration when the incoming log rate is low. To check the rate, run the following command from the Log Collector CLI:
      admin@FC-M500-1> debug log-collector log-collection-stats show incoming-logs
      High CPU utilization (close to 100%) during log migration is expected and operations will continue to function normally. Log migration is throttled in favor of incoming logs and other processes in the event of resource contention.
    2. Start migrating the logs on each Log Collector to the previous format.
      To begin the migration, enter the following command from the CLI of each Log Collector:
      admin@FC-M500-1> request logdb migrate lc serial-number <ser_num> start
    3. View the log migration status to estimate the amount of time it will take to finish migrating all existing logs to the previous format.
      admin@FC-M500-1> request logdb migrate lc serial-number <ser_num> status Slot: all 
      Migration State: In Progress 
      Percent Complete: 0.04 
      Estimated Time Remaining: 451 hour(s) 47 min(s)