Data Center Best Practice Security Policy
Learn about Palo Alto Networks data center security policy
best practices to protect your most valuable assets.
Your enterprise’s most valuable assets reside in your
data center, including proprietary source code, intellectual property,
and sensitive company and customer data. Your customers and employees
trust you to maintain the confidentiality of their sensitive data
and expect your data center to be always available because they
expect their data to be always available. It’s important for the
integrity and success of your business to implement a data center
best practice security policy that safeguards your data and prevents
successful attacks.
The following methods and recommendations provide a blueprint
for planning, designing, and implementing a data center best practice
security policy in a phased, prioritized manner. Creating a data
center best practice security policy may be a daunting task if you
try to implement every protection on every area of your network
at one time. However, if you evaluate what is most important to
protect and begin implementing your data center best practice security
policy by defending your most valuable assets first, you can transition
gradually to a security policy that allows you to safely enable
applications, users, and content without taking undue risks.