: Use Custom Templates or the gcloud CLI to Deploy the VM-Series Firewall

Use Custom Templates or the gcloud CLI to Deploy the VM-Series Firewall

Table of Contents

Use Custom Templates or the gcloud CLI to Deploy the VM-Series Firewall

Learn how to call the Google Marketplace images when you are using the gcloud CLI or custom templates you write yourself.
The official VM-Series images published on Google Cloud Platform Marketplace are available in the paloaltonetworksgcp-public project. You need to know the secure path to these images if you want to call them from the gcloud command line, or refer to them in a template you have written or adapted.
  • BYOL: vmseries-byol-<version>
  • PAYG Bundle 1: vmseries-bundle1-<version>
  • PAYG Bundle 2: vmseries-bundle2-<version>
Use the gcloud CLI to find the current image names and project:
  gcloud compute images list --project paloaltonetworksgcp-public
  NAME                  PROJECT                   FAMILY  DEPRECATED  STATUS
  vmseries-bundle1-810  paloaltonetworksgcp-public                      READY
  vmseries-bundle2-810  paloaltonetworksgcp-public                      READY
  vmseries-byol-810     paloaltonetworksgcp-public                      READY
Add the --uri flag to see the image paths:
  gcloud compute images list --project paloaltonetworksgcp-public
  --no-standard-images --uri
For an example, download the gcp-two-tier template from https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks.
This template separates the image name (which includes the PAN-OS version) from the URL path. In two-tier-template.py the image variable expects the image name; for example: vmseries-byol-810. vm-series-template.py uses the values of COMPUTE_URL_BASE and sourceImage to build the path.