: Launch the VM-Series Firewall on NSX-T (East-West)

Launch the VM-Series Firewall on NSX-T (East-West)

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Launch the VM-Series Firewall on NSX-T (East-West)

Learn how to launch the VM-Series firewall on NSX-T to secure East-West traffic.
Complete the following procedure to deploy the VM-Series firewall as a service in your NSX-T environment. The Deployment Specification and Deployment Template fields are automatically populated with information pushed from Panorama as part of the service definition.
Do not edit any settings under Deployment Attributes. These values are imported from Panorama and changing them causes the deployment to fail.
  1. Log in to the NSX-T Manager.
  2. Select SystemService Deployments.
  3. Select your service definition from the Partner Service drop-down.
  4. Click Deploy Service.
  5. Enter a descriptive Name for your service deployment.
  6. Select the Compute Manager (vCenter).
  7. Select the Cluster where the service will be deployed. You must select a cluster with NSX Configuration.
  8. Select a Host if you are launching the VM-Series in a clustered deployment. Select a particular host from the Host drop-down or Any to allow NSX-T Manager to choose the host. This option is grayed out in Per Host deployments.
  9. Select a Data Store as the repository for the VM-Series firewall. In a clustered deployment, select a shared data store if you choose Any for the host or select a local data store if you specified a particular host.
  10. Configure the Networks settings.
    1. In the Networks column, click Edit Details.
    2. Select the Network for eth0 - Management Nic.
    3. Select the Network Type—DHCP or Static IP Pool. If you choose Static IP Pool, select an IP Pool.
    4. Check eth1 - Data-1 Nic.
    5. Click Save.
  11. Select or configure a Service Segment. To configure a service segment, complete the following procedure.
    1. Click Action in the Service Segments column.
    2. Click Add Service Segment.
    3. Enter a descriptive Name.
    4. Select a Transport Zone (Overlay).
      The VM-Series firewall must be attached to an Overlay transport zone. Guest VMs can be attached to a VLAN or Overlay transport zone. The transport node hosting the guest VMs and the VM-Series must be configured with an Overlay transport zone.
    5. Click Save and Close.
  12. Select a Deployment TypeClustered or Host Based.
  13. If you selected Clustered as the Deployment Type, enter the Clustered Deployment Count to specify the number of VM-Series firewall instances to deploy on the cluster.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Verify that your firewalls deployed successfully.
    1. Select SystemService DeploymentsService Instances.
    2. Confirm that your firewalls are listed and the Deployment Status shows Up.
  16. Verify that your firewalls connected to Panorama.
    1. Log in to Panorama.
    2. Select PanoramaManaged DevicesSummary.
    3. Confirm that your firewalls are listed under the correct device group and the Device State shows Connected.
      The Device Name for the VM-Series firewall is displayed on Panorama as PA-VM:<nsx.clusterid> for NSX-T (N-S) deployment and as PA-VM:<nsx.servicevmid> for NSX-T (E-W) deployment.
  17. Set a secure password for the admin account on your VM-Series firewalls.
    Each VM-Series firewall uses a default username and password (admin/admin), which is used for initial login. Upon logging in for the first time, you are prompted to set a new, more secure password. The new password must be a minimum of eight characters and include a minimum of one lowercase and one uppercase character, as well as one number or special character.
    You can update the password on each firewall individually or all at once through Panorama.
    • Panorama—on Panorama, you can change the default password for all firewalls in a template or delete the admin user and create a new username and password.
      1. Log in to Panorama
      2. Select DeviceAdministrators and select the admin user.
      3. Delete the user or click the user and enter a new password.
      4. If you changed the password, click OK.
      5. Select CommitPush to DevicesEdit SelectionsForce Template Values.
      6. Click OK.
    • Firewall—this procedure must be repeated on each VM-Series firewall.
      1. Log in to the VM-Series firewall using the default username and password.
      2. Follow the prompts to reset the password.