: Configure WildFire for Cloud NGFW on AWS

Configure WildFire for Cloud NGFW on AWS

Table of Contents

Configure WildFire for Cloud NGFW on AWS

Configure a WildFire Analysis Profile on Panorama to detect and forward threats to WildFire.
Cloud NGFW can now detect and forward files, executables, and malicious scripts (such as JScript and PowerShell) in your VPC traffic to WildFire™ (WF) cloud service for analysis. Wildfire then applies threat intelligence, analytics, and correlations on these forwarded files (executables or scripts) and delivers verdicts based on the analysis. If a threat is detected on them, WildFire creates protections to block malware, and globally distribute these protection for that threat in a few minutes.
WildFire goes beyond traditional sandboxing approaches and uses multiple techniques to identify files with potential malicious behaviors. These techniques include:
  • Dynamic analysis
    - observes files as they execute in a purpose-built, evasion-resistant virtual environment, enabling detection of previously unknown malware using hundreds of behavioral characteristics.
  • Static analysis
    - complements dynamic analysis with effective detection of malware, providing instant identification of malware variants. Static analysis further leverages dynamic unpacking to analyze threats attempting to evade detection through the use of packing tool sets.
  • Network traffic profiles
    - detect malicious traffic patterns based on malware variants such as backdoor creation, download of next-stage malware, access to low-reputation domains, and network reconnaissance.
  • Machine learning
    - extracts thousands of unique features from each file, training a predictive machine learning model to identify new malware, which is not possible with static or dynamic analysis alone.
  • A custom-built hypervisor
    - prevents attacker evasion techniques with a robust, proprietary hypervisor that does not depend on open source projects or proprietary software to which attackers have access.
To configure Wildfire on your Cloud NGFW AWS resource, you will need to:

Configure a Wildfire Profile

  1. Login to
    and click
    WildFire Analysis
    . The WildFire Analysis Profile window appears.
  2. Select the device group from the drop-down menu where you want to create the profile.
  3. Click
  4. Enter a
    for the WildFire profile and click
  5. Enter a descriptive
    for any rules you add to the profile
  6. In the application section, click
    to select the application from the list of applications that you wish to allow access through your Wildfire profile.
  7. Click
    to select the file types you wish to allow.
  8. Click
    to allow download / upload or both options.
  9. Select the
    for traffic to be forwarded for analysis: Select
    if you wish that all traffic matched to the rule be forwarded to the WildFire public cloud for analysis.
  10. Select
    if you wish that all traffic matched to the rule be forwarded to the WildFire appliance for analysis.
  11. Click

Define Security Rules

  1. Login to Panorama, and click
  2. Choose the required Device Group and click the preconfigured security rule (Pre Rule or Post Rule) or create a new rule.
  3. Click
  4. In the profile setting, select
    under the profile type.
  5. Select the Wildfire profile you wish to choose in the
    WildFire Analysis
  6. Click
Commit and push the device group to the Cloud NGFW resources.
For information, see
Latest WildFire Cloud Features

View WildFire Submission Logs

You can view WildFire submission logs in:

View Logs in AWS Destinations

If you have previously configured Amazon Cloudwatch, Amazon S3 or Amazon Kinesis as your log destination you can review them for blocks of malicious traffic by Wildfire.

View Logs in Panorama

On Panorama, you can view the logs on the DG using

View Logs in Strata Logging Service

You can also view WildFire logs in your
Strata Logging Service
  1. Click
    and select
    from the explore drop-down.
  2. Enter
    sub_typevalue =
    and filter for WildFire logs.

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