: Locate VM-Series Firewall Images in the GCP Marketplace

Locate VM-Series Firewall Images in the GCP Marketplace

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Locate VM-Series Firewall Images in the GCP Marketplace

Learn how to call the Google Marketplace images when you are using the gcloud CLI or custom templates you write yourself.
The official VM-Series images published on Google Cloud Platform Marketplace are available in the paloaltonetworksgcp-public project. You need to know the secure path to these images if you want to call them from the gcloud command line, or refer to them in a template you have written or adapted.
  • BYOL: vmseries-byol- <version>
  • PAYG Bundle 1: vmseries-bundle1- <version>
  • PAYG Bundle 2: vmseries-bundle2- <version>
Use the gcloud CLI to find the current image names and project:
gcloud compute images list --project paloaltonetworksgcp-public
NAME                  PROJECT                   FAMILY  DEPRECATED  STATUS
vmseries-bundle1-810  paloaltonetworksgcp-public                      READY
vmseries-bundle2-810  paloaltonetworksgcp-public                      READY
vmseries-byol-810     paloaltonetworksgcp-public                      READY
Add the --uri flag to see the image paths:
gcloud compute images list --project paloaltonetworksgcp-public 
--no-standard-images --uri