View Microsoft Teams User Experience Data
Autonomous DEM

View Microsoft Teams User Experience Data

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View Microsoft Teams User Experience Data

View details about Microsoft Teams users on the Microsoft Teams User Experience page.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Strata Cloud Manager Command Center
  • Prisma Access license
  • Autonomous DEM license
The Microsoft Teams User Experience page offers an overview and details about Microsoft Teams users, including the total number of minutes that users spent in Microsoft Teams meetings, the total number of meetings, and the total and percentage of teams with poor performance.
Go to InsightsActivity InsightsUsers. From the Users | Devices table, select any username to open the details page. Select Experience to view information about that user's experience.

Data Sources

View details about each mobile user's Devices, such as the device's name, model, device hostname, and number of monitored applications. The score represents the overall performance metric for the monitored user and applications for this device across the service delivery path. The color (green, gold, or red) indicates the overall status of this device during the selected time range.
Under Applications, select MS Teams (Predefined), and under Targets, select

Overall Microsoft Teams Performance Impact

Select Microsoft Teams Performance Analysis to see Overall Microsoft Teams Performance Impact, such as the Total Elapsed Time spent in meetings, the Total Number of Meetings by meetings that had issues and meetings that did not, and the total number of meetings by specific area—Audio, Video, and Screen Sharing—with poor performance.

Microsoft Teams Poor Performance Root Causes

The Microsoft Teams Poor Performance Root Causes table details the service delivery segment in which performance issues occurred, the root cause, the number and percentage of meetings with poor performance, and possible remediation. You can find suggested remedies in the Remediation column.

Microsoft Teams Application Experience

Microsoft Teams Application Experience shows a calendar view of all meetings a user attended based on the selected time range filter. Select a meeting to show its performance metrics on the Microsoft Teams Integration tab.
  • Performance Impact—This meeting's Audio, Video, and Screen Sharing status.
  • Meeting date, meeting ID, participant count, start time, end time, and total duration.
  • Issue List—Shows issues that occurred during this meeting.
  • Network latency, jitter, percentage of packet loss, and bandwidth consumed during the meeting.