Prisma Access CloudBlade Integration Release 3.1.5
Prisma SD-WAN

Prisma Access CloudBlade Integration Release 3.1.5

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Prisma Access CloudBlade Integration Release 3.1.5

Learn about the Prisma Access CloudBlade integration with Prisma SD-WAN version 3.1.5 release information.
This document contains the release notes of the Prisma Access for Networks (managed by Panorama) CloudBlade, version 3.1.5.

Features Introduced in Prisma Access CloudBlade 3.1.5

Starting with version 3.1.5, the Prisma Access for Networks (Panorama managed) CloudBlade has introduced support for QoS CIR in the Aggregate Bandwidth model.
In Aggregate Bandwidth licensing mode, the bandwidth allocation is done for a compute location on Prisma Access. The number of tunnels terminating within a compute location and the SPN share the aggregate bandwidth allocated. You must configure the (Committed Information Rate) CIR for specific tunnels terminating on an SPN within a compute location to guarantee the Quality of Service.

Compatibility of CloudBlade Version 3.1.5 and Prisma Access

The following table lists the minimum required Prisma Access and Prisma Access Cloud Plugin versions with CloudBlade version 3.1.5.
CloudBlade VersionPrisma Access VersionCloud Plugin Version
Minimum Cloud Plugin version supported is 3.1.0-H52.
Minimum Cloud Plugin version supported is 3.0.0-H29.
Minimum version supported for the Cloud Plugin is 2.2.0-H48 Preferred.

Limitations and Caveats in Release 3.1.5

The following are the caveats in Release 3.1.5:
  • If you wish to change the region on an already tagged interface in Prisma SD-WAN interface where the Service Links are established:
    1. Remove the tag from the appropriate interface on Prisma SD-WAN controller and save the port.
    2. Confirm that the service links created on Prisma SD-WAN controller are removed and the corresponding configuration on Panorama is cleared. This may take up to 5 minutes.
    3. Tag the interface again with the updated region tag where you wish to establish the tunnel.
  • When migrating from CloudBlade version 3.1.1 to version 3.1.5 in Non-Aggregate Licensing mode in Prisma Access, tunnels may be rebuilt on sites that use ECMP tagging. The 3.1.5 CloudBlade version now considers all available ports for tunnel formation, rather than just the tagged ones. In such scenarios, you could experience some downtime for such sites. It is recommended to enable the dry run option to identify possible changes during migration to 3.1.5.