CLI Commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 6.2
Prisma SD-WAN

CLI Commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 6.2

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CLI Commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 6.2

Learn more about the CLI commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION device release 6.2.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active Prisma SD-WAN license
See the new and updated device CLI commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION Device Release 6.2.
  • CLI Commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION Device Release 6.2.1

CLI Commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION Device Release 6.2.1

clear device account-login
Clears the login failures.
clear user-id agent statistics
Clears the User-ID agent statistics.
Displays the domain information groper (Dig) for querying domain name system (DNS) servers.
dump device account-login
Displays the device user's account-login failure count details.
dump flow
Displays the flows from the flow table to debug and troubleshoot.
dump log-agent status
Displays the log-agent status.
dump log-agent eal conn
Displays the log-agent connections.
dump log-agent eal stats
Displays the log-agent stats.
dump log-agent eal response-time
Displays the log-agent response time information.
dump user-id status
Displays the User-ID status information.
Displays the User-ID agent information.
dump user-id agent summary
Displays the User-ID agent summary information.
dump user-id agent status
Displays the User-ID agent status information.
dump user-id agent statistics all
Displays the User-ID agent statistics all information.
dump user-id statistics
Displays the User-ID statistics information.
dump user-id summary
Displays the User-ID summary information.
dump user-id ip-user-mapping all
Displays the User-ID IP-User mapping information.
dump user-id useridx all
Displays the User-ID UserIDx information.
dump user-id groupidx all
Displays the User-ID GroupIDx information.
dump user-id group-mapping all
Displays the User-ID Group mapping information.
inspect certificate device
Inspects the information on certificates used for communicating with the device.
inspect dhcp6lease
Inspects the DHCP server lease and to display information on machines that are assigned to specific IPv6 address and the lease validity for each machine.
clear app-map dynamic
Removes an entry from the application map cache
clear flow
Clear the flows from the flow table to debug and troubleshoot.
config interface
Configures a physical or a logical interface
debug flow
To create, display, or delete a filter when enabling data plane debugging to reduce the ION device load.
debug process
To start, stop, restart a process, or check the status of a process. Services are interrupted, and traffic for the duration of the restart.
dump appdef config
Displays the details of all application definitions
dump bypass-pair config
Displays the bypass-pair configuration details.
dump dhcp-server config
Displays the DHCP server configuration.
dump dhcp-server status
Displays the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server status.
dump dhcpstat
Displays the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server statistics.
dump dnsservice config all
Displays all the configurations related to DNS Service Profile. DNS Service Profiles are used to specify configuration parameters for the Prisma SD-WAN DNS Service.
dump interface config
Displays the interface configurations.
dump interface status
Displays the interface status (port or sub interface).
dump overview
Displays the basic information about the device.
dump network-policy config policy-rules
Displays the network policy rule configuration for a device.
dump priority-policy config policy-rules
Displays the QoS policy rule configuration for a device.
dump priority-policy config policy-sets
Displays the QoS policy sets configuration for a device.
dump priority-policy config policy-stacks
Displays the QoS policy sets within a stack for a device.
dump qos-bwc config
Displays details of the QoS bandwidth configuration information.
dump security-policy config policy-rules
Displays the security policy rule configuration for a device.
dump security-policy config policy-set-stack
Displays the security policy set stack configuration for a device.
dump security-policy config policy-set
Displays the security policy sets configuration for a device.
dump security-policy config prefix-filters
Displays the security policy prefix filter configuration.
dump security-policy config zones
Displays the configuration of security policy rules for zones.
dump-support output
To download all the CLI command outputs and device logs in a tar file.
dump vpn status
Displays the information for a virtual private network (VPN) link.
inspect app-map
Displays the application ID to IP, port, or protocol mapping cache.
inspect dhcp6lease
Inspects the DHCP server lease.
inspect fib
Inspects the forwarding information base (FIB) table, to display FIB entries, and to debug path selection issues.
inspect flow brief
Inspects the brief details for active flows.
inspect flow detail
Inspects the details on active flows and to debug current flows matching the user-specified options.
inspect network-policy lookup
Inspects the hit counts for network policy rules and identifies policy rules which override other rules in the stack.
inspect network-policy conflicts
Inspects the conflicting network policy rules.
inspect priority-policy lookup
Inspects the hit counts for priority policy rules and identifies policy rules which override other rules in the stack.
inspect qos-bwc queue-snapshot
Inspects details of the QoS bandwidth queue snapshot information.
inspect security-policy lookup
Inspects the hit counts for security policy rules and identifies policy rules which override other rules in the stack.