Review Email DLP Incidents
Enterprise DLP

Review Email DLP Incidents

Table of Contents

Review Email DLP Incidents

Review your
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
Email DLP incidents for outbound emails.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Data Security
  • One of the following licenses that include the
    Enterprise DLP
    Review the Supported Platforms for details on the required license for each enforcement point.
    • Prisma Access
      CASB license
    • Next-Generation CASB for Prisma Access and NGFW (CASB-X)
    • Data Security
  • Email DLP license
Review your
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
Email DLP incidents to understand which outbound emails were inspected, review which were blocked, quarantined, or sent for approval, and to download files inspected by
Enterprise DLP
  1. Log in to
    Strata Cloud Manager
  2. Select
    SaaS Security
    Data Security
    Email DLP Incidents
  3. Review your Email DLP incidents.
    • Severity
      —Severity of the DLP incident specified in the Email DLP policy.
    • Updated On
      —Date the Email DLP incident status or assignee was updated.
    • Created On
      —Date the Email DLP incident occurred.
    • Sender
      —Email of the sender who generated the Email DLP incident.
    • Subject
      —Subject line for the email that generated the Email DLP incident.
    • Policy
      Email DLP policy rule that the email matched against.
    • Action
      —Action taken by
      Enterprise DLP
      based on the Email DLP policy rule the outbound email matched against.
    • Assigned to
      —Incident assignee responsible to review and address the Email DLP incident.
    • Status
      —Resolution status of the Email DLP incident.
  4. Click the Email DLP
    to view a summary of the Email DLP policy rule the email matched against.
    • Basic Information
      —Email DLP policy rule priority, whether the rule is
      , the incident severity, and the email service provider.
    • Conditions
      —Data profile associated with the Email DLP policy rule, the sender and recipient information, and the email components the Email DLP policy rule is configured to evaluate.
    • Response
      — Action configured in the Email DLP policy rule, the primary Incident Assignee specified in the Email DLP policy rule, and the email address that notifications are sent to when an Email DLP incident is generated against this Email DLP policy rule.
  5. Click the Email DLP incident
    to view the
    Incident Details
    • The
      fields display the email sender and recipient for the email that generated the DLP incident.
    • The
      Email content
      field allows you to download the email in
      To successfully download an email, you must have configured evidence storage before the outbound email was inspected by
      Enterprise DLP
      . Emails of existing Email DLP incidents cannot be downloaded if you configure evidence storage after the Email DLP incident occurred.
  6. Review the
    Matching Data Patterns
    Matching Data Patterns
    shows snippets of the sensitive data
    Enterprise DLP
    detected and the data pattern that it matched against. All data patterns added to the data profile are listed in the left-hand side. All traffic matches are grouped by match confidence (
    , and
    ) and list the total number of patterns against which traffic matches were detected.
    Enterprise DLP
    provides the location each snippet was detected in.
    Enterprise DLP
    only inspects the parts of the email configured in the Email DLP policy rule evaluation criteria. Possible values are
    found in body
    found in attachment
    , or
    found in subject
  7. (
    Quarantine only
    ) If an outbound email was quarantined, an email administrator must review and approve these emails before they can continue to their intended recipient.
    • Due to a Gmail limitation,
      SaaS Security
      generates two Email DLP logs (
      SaaS Security
      Data Security
      Email DLP Logs
      ) when a quarantined email is allowed. The first Email DLP log describes the initial outbound email blocked by Email DLP. The second Email DLP log describes the allowed outbound email that is sent back to
      Enterprise DLP
      to add
      x-panw-inspected: true
      x-panw-action: monitor
      to the email header before it continues on its path to the intended recipient.

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