Configure Risk Factor Importance
Enterprise DLP

Configure Risk Factor Importance

Table of Contents

Configure Risk Factor Importance

Configure the overall risk factor importance to customize data, application, and user Data Risk risk factor weights.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
    Review the Supported Platforms for details on the required license for each enforcement point.
Or any of the following licenses that include the
Enterprise DLP
  • Prisma Access
    CASB license
  • Next-Generation CASB for Prisma Access and NGFW (CASB-X)
  • Data Security
  • SaaS Security
Data Risk is calculated based on multiple risk factors across data, application, and users for an asset. Configure the overall risk factor importance to customize the risk factor weight for each risk factor when calculating the overall data risk for a data security asset. You can apply the following Importance Levels for each risk factor.
  • Extremely Important
  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Somewhat Important
  • Of Little Importance
  • Not Important
  1. Log in to
    Strata Cloud Manager
  2. Select
    Data Loss Prevention
    Data Risk
    Risk Factor Importance
  3. Configure the overall Data Application, and User risk factor importance.
    • Data
      • Data Profile
        —Predefined and custom
        Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
        data profiles.
      • Data Exposure
        —Exposure of a data asset exposure.
    • Application
      • Application Tag
        Default categorize discovered applications on
        SaaS Security
        to monitor users of SaaS apps more efficiently. Applications can be tagged as Sanctioned, Tolerated, Unsanctioned, Unknown, or have custom tags.
        • Sanctioned
          —Applications sanctioned by your organization and being used by employees in your organization.
        • Unsanctioned
          —Applications unsanctioned by your organization for use by employees in your organization.
        • Tolerated
          —Application that is not trusted like a sanctioned app, but that is allowed to be used by employees until your organization is able to replace it with a more secure app so as not to inhibit the productivity of your users.
        • Unknown
          —Default for SaaS applications that are not tagged.
      • Application Risk
        SaaS Security Inline risk scores assigned to a SaaS application.
      • Application Tenant Type
        —Determines whether a particular instance of an application is Managed, Not Managed, Personal, or Other
      • SSPM Posture
        SaaS Security Posture Management
        used to detect and address misconfigured settings in sanctioned SaaS applications.
    • Users
      • Owner Risk
        —Risk factor weight for the owner of a data asset that is consumed based on the User Risk information collected from
        Cloud Identity Engine
      • Collaborator Risk
        —Risk Factor weight based on the risk of all collaborators who have access to a data asset
  4. Save Changes

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