Respond to Blocked Traffic Using Enterprise DLP End User Alerting with Cortex XSOAR
Enterprise DLP

Respond to Blocked Traffic Using Enterprise DLP End User Alerting with Cortex XSOAR

Table of Contents

Respond to Blocked Traffic Using Enterprise DLP End User Alerting with
Cortex XSOAR

Request an exemption for an uploaded file using the
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
Bot on Slack.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • NGFW (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
    Review the Supported Platforms for details on the required license for each enforcement point.
Or any of the following licenses that include the
Enterprise DLP
  • Prisma Access
    CASB license
  • Next-Generation CASB for Prisma Access and NGFW (CASB-X)
  • Data Security
After you Set Up Enterprise DLP End User Alerting with Cortex XSOAR and a file upload matches your data profile, the team member who uploaded the file is automatically alerted on Slack to confirm whether the file they uploaded contains sensitive information.
The DLP cloud service maintains a response history for all files that trigger End User Alerting with
Cortex XSOAR
based on your response.
  • Confirmed Sensitive
    - End user confirmed that
    , the file contains sensitive data but
    , the end user didn’t request an exemption.
    For all future uploads of the file, the file upload remains blocked and end users aren’t prompted to request for an exemption.
  • Exception Requested
    - End user confirmed that
    , the file contains sensitive data and
    , the end user requested an exemption.
    For all future uploads of the file, end users aren’t prompted to confirm the file contains sensitive data but are prompted to request for an exemption.
  • Confirmed False Positive
    - End user confirmed that
    , the file doesn’t contain sensitive data.
    For all future uploads of the file, the file uploads remain blocked and end users aren’t prompted to confirm if the file contains sensitive data.
This procedure assumes you have already created a data profile and have successfully set up
Enterprise DLP
End User Alerting with
Cortex XSOAR
  1. Upload a file containing sensitive data that matches a data profile.
  2. On Slack, the
    Enterprise DLP
    Bot sends an automated message to the team member who uploaded the file containing sensitive data.
    to confirm that the uploaded file containing sensitive data and to request an exemption.
    to confirm that the uploaded files doesn’t contain sensitive data and flag the file as a
    false positive
    . If you select
    , the file remains as blocked for any future upload of the same file. You will receive confirmation for the
    Enterprise DLP
    Bot that your response was successfully received.
  3. If you selected
    and the file contains sensitive information, select
    when prompted to request a temporary exemption for the uploaded file.
    if you don’t want to request a temporary exemption for the file. The file upload remains blocked.
    Skip this step if you selected
    in the previous step and the file doesn’t contain sensitive data.
  4. The
    Enterprise DLP
    Bot confirms that the exemption was granted.
    You can now reupload the file as needed for the length of the
    Exemption Duration

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