Flow Information Elements
Prisma SD-WAN

Flow Information Elements

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Flow Information Elements

View detailed information for flow information elements in Prisma SD-WAN.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active Prisma SD-WAN license
The table below describes the flow information elements, which are based on the IANA IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) entity definitions included at https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml#ipfix-information-elements.
Flow Field Information ElementElementIdDescriptionData TypeData Type Semantics
APPLICATION_HOSThttpRequestHostIANA 460Identifies the domain name of the application's request host. Encoded in UTF-8.string
APP_DEF_IDapplicationIdIANA 95Identifies the flow application ID. octetArray default
CONNECTION_BIFLOW_BYTEScgnxBidirectionalOctetDeltaCount1006 CGNXSpecifies the number of octets since the previous report (if any) in both directions for this flow at the observation point.unsigned64deltaCounter
CONNECTION_BIFLOW_PACKETScgnxBidirectionalPacketDeltaCount1007 CGNXSpecifies the number of packets since the previous report (if any) in both directions for this flow at the observation point.unsigned64deltaCounter
CONNECTION_INITcgnxTcpConnInit1021 CGNXThis boolean flag indicates if a SYN-ACK packet is seen in response to a SYN packet.
CONNECTION_NTTThe NTT subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the CONNECTION_NTT flow field option:
  • cgnxNttMinMilliseconds
  • cgnxNttMaxMilliseconds
  • cgnxNttObservedDeltaCount
  • cgnxNttSumMilliseconds
cgnxNttMinMilliseconds1012 CGNXSpecifies the minimum network transfer time for an application in milliseconds.unsigned32 default
cgnxNttMaxMilliseconds1013 CGNXSpecifies the maximum network transfer time for an application in milliseconds.unsigned32 default
cgnxNttObservedDeltaCount1014 CGNXSpecifies the total number of network transfer time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. unsigned32 deltaCounter
cgnxNttSumMilliseconds1015 CGNXSpecifies the sum of network transfer times for an application in milliseconds. unsigned32 default
CONNECTION_RTTThe RTT subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the CONNECTION_RTT flow field:
  • cgnxRttMinMilliseconds
  • cgnxRttMaxMilliseconds
  • cgnxRttObservedDeltaCount
  • cgnxRttSumMilliseconds
cgnxRttMinMilliseconds1008 CGNXSpecifies the minimum round trip time for an application in milliseconds. unsigned32 default
cgnxRttMaxMilliseconds1009 CGNXSpecifies the maximum round trip time for an application in milliseconds. unsigned32 default
cgnxRttObservedDeltaCount1010 CGNXSpecifies the number of round trip time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. unsigned32deltaCounter
cgnxRttSumMilliseconds1011 CGNXSpecifies the sum of round trip times for an application in milliseconds. unsigned32default
CONNECTION_SRTThe SRT subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you include the CONNECTION_SRT flow field:
  • cgnxSrtMinMilliseconds
  • cgnxSrtMaxMilliseconds
  • cgnxSrtObservedDeltaCount
  • cgnxSrtSumMilliseconds
cgnxSrtMinMilliseconds1016 CGNXSpecifies the minimum server response time for an application in millisecondsunsigned32default
cgnxSrtMaxMilliseconds1017 CGNXSpecifies the maximum server response time for an application in milliseconds. unsigned32default
cgnxSrtObservedDeltaCount1018 CGNXSpecifies the number of server response time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point.unsigned32deltaCounter
cgnxSrtSumMilliseconds1019 CGNXSpecifies the sum of server response times for an application in milliseconds.unsigned32default
CONNECTION_UDPTRTThe TRT subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the CONNECTION_UDPTRT flow field:
  • cgnxTrtMinMilliseconds
  • cgnxTrtMaxMilliseconds
  • cgnxTrtObservedDeltaCount
  • cgnxTrtSumMilliseconds
cgnxTrtMinMilliseconds1024 CGNXSpecifies the minimum transaction response time for an application in milliseconds. unsigned32default
cgnxTrtMaxMilliseconds1025 CGNXSpecifies the maximum transaction response time for an application in milliseconds. unsigned32default
cgnxTrtObservedDeltaCount1026 CGNXSpecifies the number of transaction response time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. unsigned32deltaCounter
cgnxTrtSumMilliseconds1027 CGNXSpecifies the sum of transaction response times for an application in milliseconds.unsigned32default
CONNECTION_UNIFLOW_BYTESoctetDeltaCountIANA 1Identifies the number of octets since the previous report (if any) in incoming packets for this Flow at the Observation Point.unsigned64deltaCounter
CONNECTION_XACTThe XACT subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the CONNECTION_XACT flow field:
  • cgnxConnectionTransactionSuccessTotalCount
  • cgnxConnectionTransactionFailureTotalCount
cgnxConnectionTransactionSuccessTotalCount1022 CGNXSpecifies the total number of connection transaction success observations for this Flow at the Observation Point. unsigned32TotalCounter
cgnxConnectionTransactionFailureTotalCount1023 CGNXSpecifies the total number of connection transaction failure observations for this Flow at the Observation Point.unsigned32TotalCounter
DSCP_MAP cgnxDiffServCodePointMap1000 CGNXIdentifies the Prisma SD-WAN DSCP bitmap observation for the flow at the interface. unsigned64flags
DSCP_LASTipDiffservCodePointIANA 195Identifies the last observed DSCP value for the flow.unsigned8 Identifier
  • ingressInterface
  • egressInterface
  • Ingress interface—IANA 10
  • Egress interface—IANA 14
Identifies a flow's ingress (where packets are received) and/or egress interface (where packets are sent) (physical & logical). The Interface ID exported shall match the SNMP IF ID.unsigned32Identifier
MEDIA_CODECcgnxMediaCodecList1034 CGNXA list of codec identifiers as identified from the flow. Each codec is represented by an single octet in the list.octetArrayIdentifier
MEDIA_JITTERIdentifies the jitter of a media flow. The Media Jitter subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the MEDIA_JITTER flow field:
  • cgnxMediaJitterMaxMilliseconds
  • cgnxMediaJitterObservedDeltaCount
  • cgnxMediaJitterSumMilliseconds
cgnxMediaJitterMaxMilliseconds1036 CGNXSpecifies the maximum jitter time for an application in milliseconds.unsigned32default
cgnxMediaJitterObservedDeltaCount1037 CGNXSpecifies the number of jitter time observations for this Flow at the Observation Point.unsigned64deltaCounter
cgnxMediaJitterSumMilliseconds1038 CGNXSpecifies the sum of jitter times for an application in milliseconds.unsigned32default
MEDIA_LOSSIdentifies the packet loss percentage of a media flow. The Media Loss subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the MEDIA_LOSS flow field:
  • cgnxMediaLossMax
  • cgnxMediaLossObservedDeltaCount
  • cgnxMediaLossSum
cgnxMediaLossMax1039 CGNXSpecifies the maximum packet loss percentage for an application. float32quantity
cgnxMediaLossObservedDeltaCount1040 CGNXSpecifies the number of packet loss percentage observations for this Flow at the Observation Point.unsigned64deltaCounter
cgnxMediaLossSumSpecifies the sum of packet loss percentages for an application.float32quantity
MEDIA_MOScgnxMediaMosMin1042 CGNXSpecifies the minimum MOS sample for an application. float32quantity
cgnxMediaMosMax1043 CGNXSpecifies the maximum MOS sample for an application.float32default
cgnxMediaMosObservedDeltaCount1044 CGNXSpecifies the number of MOS observations for this Flow at the Observation Point.unsigned32deltaCounter
cgnxMediaMosSum1045 CGNXSpecifies the sum of MOS observations for an application. float32default
QOS_QUEUE cgnxQosQueue1001 CGNXIdentifies the QoS queue that the flow is assigned by the ION device.
RTP_TRANSPORT_TYPEcgnxRtpTransport1033 CGNXThe value of the RTP transport identifier is Prisma SD-WAN specific and is identified from the flow.
Identifies the minimum and maximum TCP window size for a flow.The TcpWin subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the TRANSPORT_TCP_WINDOWSIZETRANSPORT_TCP_WINDOWSIZE flow field:
  • cgnxMinTcpWindowSize
  • cgnxMaxTcpWindowSize
cgnxMinTcpWindowSize1003 CGNX The minimum value observed for the TCP window for the flow. unsigned32quantity
cgnxMaxTcpWindowSize1004 CGNXThe maximum value observed for the TCP window for the flow. unsigned32quantity
TROUBLESHOOT_DECISION_MAPSpecifies the Prisma SD-WAN decision bitmap observation for the flow at the interface.
The information is encoded in a set of bit fields allocated in 4 octet word groups. The decision map flags are mapped to bits according to their flag numbers.
Single Decision map subTemplate : Contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the TROUBLESHOOT_DECISION_MAP flow field:
  • cgnxDecisionMap
Multiple Decision map subTemplate : The subTemplateList allows a list of Single Decision Map subTemplate records to be presented. Currently the maximum that may be presented is 4.
cgnxDecisionMap1048 CGNXSpecifies the CloudGenix decision bitmap observation for this flow at the Observation Point.octetArrayflags
TROUBLESHOOT_TCPThe troubleshoot TCP flags subTemplate contains the following Information Elements and is exported as part of the flow when you configure the TROUBLESHOOT_TCP flow field:
  • cgnxTcpSynDeltaCount
  • cgnxTcpFinDeltaCount
  • cgnxTcpRstDeltaCount
  • cgnxTcpAckDeltaCount
  • cgnxTcpRexmitDeltaCount
  • cgnxTcpOoopDeltaCount
The TCP flags, remit and oop information is combined into a single unified TCP Troubleshoot subTemplate.
cgnxTcpSynDeltaCount1050 CGNXThe number of packets of this Flow with TCP "Synchronize sequence numbers" (SYN) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent.unsigned32deltaCounter
cgnxTcpFinDeltaCount1051 CGNXThe number of packets of this Flow with TCP "No more data from sender" (FIN) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent.unsigned32 (Reduced to unsigned8)deltaCounter
cgnxTcpRstDeltaCount1052 CGNXThe number of packets of this Flow with TCP "Reset the connection" (RST) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent.unsigned32 (Reduced to unsigned8)deltaCounter
cgnxTcpAckDeltaCount1053 CGNXThe number of packets of this Flow with TCP "Acknowledgement field significant" (ACK) flag set observed since the last record for the flow was sent.unsigned32 deltaCounter
cgnxTcpRexmitDeltaCount1046 CGNXunsigned32 deltaCounter
cgnxTcpOoopDeltaCount1047 CGNXSpecifies the number of new TCP out of order packet observations for this TCP Flow at the Observation Point since the last export record for the flow.unsigned32 deltaCounter
WAN-PATH cgnxWanPath1002 CGNXWAN path identifierunsigned64Identifier