dump nat6 counters
Prisma SD-WAN

dump nat6 counters

Table of Contents

dump nat6 counters

Use the dump nat6 counters command to display the NAT configuration on the device via IPv6 tables.
Information displayed includes details of packets sent and received along with the source and destination addresses.


dump nat6 counters ( all | policysetstacks= NAT Policy Stack Name | policysets= NAT Policy Set Name | policyrules= NAT Policy Rule Name)


allEnter all to display configuration for all policy set stacks, sets and rules.
policysetstacksEnter the policy set stack name to display configuration for a specific policy set stack.
policysetsEnter the policy set name to display configuration for a specific policy set.
policyrulesEnter the policy rule name to display configuration for a specific policy rule.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
Introduced in Release 6.4.2


dump nat6 counters POLICY SET STACK: NA POLICY SETS: NA RULE: NA ENABLED: true POLICYSET: NA ----------------------------------------------------- pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 1255 108K MASQUERADE all * eth2 ::/0 ::/0 0 0 MASQUERADE all * eth4 ::/0 ::/0 ------------------------------------------------------