dump routing cache
Prisma SD-WAN

dump routing cache

Table of Contents

dump routing cache

Use the dump routing cache command to display the routing information stored in cache.


dump routing cache ( all | interface name | bypassfib | interfacefib | staticroute | networks | bgpcache | counters | queueinfo | globalinfo | reginfo | lanadvprefix | wanadvprefix | discoveredprefixset)


allEnter all to display routes of all BGP peers.
interface Enter interface to display routing cache for all interfaces.
bypassfibEnter bypassfib to display bypass interface (LAN) forward information base (FIB) cache.
interfacefibEnter interfacefib to display interface FIB cache.
staticrouteEnter staticroute to display routing cache for static routes.
networksEnter networks to display routing cache for LAN networks and other connected networks.
bgpcacheEnter bgpcache to display routing cache for all BGP peers.
countersEnter counters to display routing cache counters.
queueinfoEnter queueinfo to display routing cache for message queue counters.
globalinfoEnter globalinfo to display global BGP configuration settings.
reginfoEnter reginfo to display registration information of the ION device.
lanadvprefixEnter lanadvprefix to display LAN prefix information of the ION device.
wanadvprefixEnter wanadvprefix to display WAN prefix information of the ION device.
discoveredprefixsetEnter discoveredprefixset to display discovered prefix set information of the ION device.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only, Monitor
Related Commands
Introduced in Release 5.0.1


dump routing cache interface Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Interface Cache ++++++++++++++++ { "eth5": { "v6_addr": "2001:25:1:1:1::2", "mask": 24, "is_dpdk": true, "device": "eth5", "secondary_ipv4_addresses": null, "id": "1648470841543023896", "label": null, "state": "up", "path_ids": [], "mac_address": "00:50:56:ab:e0:d4", "scope": "local", "v6routes": [ { "destination": "::/0", "metric": 0, "via": "2001:25:1:1:1::1" } ], "extended_state": null, "type_specific_form": "port", "rt_installed": true, "form": "static", "directed_broadcast": false, "members": [], "v4_addr": "", "v6form": "static", "rt6_installed": true, "v6mask": 64, "name": "5", "idx": 7, "is_update_inprogress": false, "last_state_change": "2022-04-13T05:52:38.129660007Z", "used_for": "private", "routes": [ { "destination": "", "metric": 0, "via": "" } ], "lan_nws": [] }, -------------------------
dump routing cache interface Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Interface Cache ++++++++++++++++ { "eth8": { "v6_addr": "2001:10:2:105::101", "mask": 24, "is_dpdk": true, "device": "eth8", "secondary_ipv4_addresses": null, "id": "16281763161220210", "label": "publicwan", "state": "up", "path_ids": [ "1654868757030024296" ], "mac_address": "00:50:56:95:f8:87", "scope": "local", "v6routes": [ { "destination": "::/0", "metric": 0, "via": "2001:10:2:105::1" } ], "extended_state": null, "type_specific_form": "port", "rt_installed": true, "form": "static", "directed_broadcast": false, "autoconf_routes": [], "members": [], "v4_addr": "", "v6form": "static", "rt6_installed": true, "tenant_ctx": null, "v6mask": 64, "name": "8", "idx": 10, "is_update_inprogress": false, "last_state_change": "2023-03-23T09:42:35.351803509Z", "used_for": "public", "endpoint_id": "16281763161220210", "routes": [ { "destination": "", "metric": 0, "via": "" } ], "lan_nws": [] }, ,... dump routing cache interfacefib Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Interface FIB Cache ++++++++++++++++ … … … Interface FIB6 Cache ++++++++++++++++ { "eth8": { "status": true, "prefixes": { "2001:10:2:105::/64": { "type": "C", "prefix": "2001:10:2:105::/64", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:105::1", "cost": "0", "ad": "0" }, "::/0": { "type": "S", "prefix": "::/0", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:105::1", "cost": "0", "ad": "5" } }, "tenant_ctx": null, "last_update_timestamp": 1679564885429, "timestamp": 1679564885261 }, "eth7": { "status": true, "prefixes": { "::/0": { "type": "S", "prefix": "::/0", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:65::2", "cost": "0", "ad": "5" }, "3001:10:2:202::/64": { "type": "S", "prefix": "3001:10:2:202::/64", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:65::2", "cost": "0", "ad": "1" }, "2001:10:2:65::/64": { "type": "C", "prefix": "2001:10:2:65::/64", "nexthop": "2001:10:2:65::2", "cost": "0", "ad": "0" } }, "tenant_ctx": null, "last_update_timestamp": 1680235916683, "timestamp": 1680235916588 }, dump routing cache staticroute Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== Static Routes ++++++++++++++++ "1680235917646018796": { "address_family": "ipv6", "_etag": 1, "scope": "local", "destination_prefix": "2001:10:2:72::/64", "nexthop_reachability_probe": false, "id": "1680235917646018796", "nexthops": [ { "nexthop_interface_id": "", "nexthop_ip": "2001:10:2:68::2", "self": false, "admin_distance": 1 } ] }, BR-SITE2-ELEM1# dump routing cache networks Route mgr Cache Info: ===================== -------------------------- LAN networks ++++++++++++++++ "{}" -------------------------- -------------------------- Connected networks ++++++++++++++++ "{\"\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16281763158650203\", \"if_name\": \"eth6\"}, \"2001:10:2: 64::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16795645794616730\", \"if_name\": \"eth4\"}, \"\": {\ "scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16281763161220210\", \"if_name\": \"eth8\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"lo cal\", \"id\": \"16281763166650231\", \"if_name\": \"eth7\"}, \"2001:10:2:105::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \ "id\": \"16795645735984300\", \"if_name\": \"eth8\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"1628 1763164550224\", \"if_name\": \"eth3\"}, \"2001:20:20:20::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"167956457882 29290\", \"if_name\": \"eth3\"}, \"2001:10:2:68::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16800675904492372\", \"if_name\": \"eth6\"}, \"3000:192:168:100::/64\": {\"scope\": \"global\", \"id\": \"16795654682625540\", \"if _name\": \"eth1\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16281763155550196\", \"if_name\": \"eth 4\"}, \"\": {\"scope\": \"global\", \"id\": \"16281763172250245\", \"if_name\": \"eth1\"}, \"2 001:10:2:65::/64\": {\"scope\": \"local\", \"id\": \"16795645731871870\", \"if_name\": \"eth7\"}}"