Email Transport
Enterprise DLP

Email Transport

Table of Contents

Email Transport

Create a Microsoft Exchange email transport rule to forward traffic to the
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
cloud service for inline email inspection.
  1. Skip this step if you have already created both the outbound and inbound connectors.
  2. Select
    Mail flow
    Add a rule
    Create a new rule
    to create a new email transport rule.
  3. Configure the email transport rule conditions.
    1. Enter a
      for the email transport rule.
    2. Specify the email recipient.
      This instructs Microsoft Exchange to forward the email to
      Enterprise DLP
      before it leaves your network when the email recipient is outside your organization.
      1. For
        Apply this rule if
        , select
        The recipient
      2. For the recipient, select
        is external/internal
        . When prompted to select the recipient location, select
        Outside the organization
        to continue.
    3. Specify Microsoft Exchange Connector you created as the transport target for email inspection.
      1. For
        Do the following
        , select
        redirect the message to
      2. For the transport target, select
        the following connector
        . When prompted, select the outbound connector.
        to continue.
    4. Add an exception for emails that exceed the maximum message size supported by
      Enterprise DLP
      Enterprise DLP
      supports inspection of email messages up to 20 MB in size. Larger email messages are not supported and should not be forwarded to
      Enterprise DLP
      1. In the s
        Except If
        field, select
        The message
      2. Select
        size is greater than or equal to
        . When prompted, enter the following maximum-supported message size KB:
    5. Add an exception for emails that were already inspected by
      Enterprise DLP
      1. In the
        Except if
        condition, click the add symbol (
        ) to add a new
      2. Select the
        The message headers
      3. For the
        condition action, select
        matches any of these words
      4. Click
        Enter text
        to set the message header to
      5. Click
        Enter words
        and enter
        and select the word you added. Click
        to continue.
    6. Click
      to continue.
  4. Configure the email transport rule settings.
    1. For the
      Rule mode
      , ensure
      is selected.
      This setting is enabled by default when a new transport rule is created.
    2. (
      ) Configure the rest of the email transport rule settings as needed.
    3. Click
      to continue.
    4. Save
  5. Review the email transport rule configuration and click
    when prompted that the email transport rule was successfully created. You are redirected back to the Microsoft Exchange Rules page.
  6. Modify the email transport rule priority as needed.
    To change the priority of a transport rule, select the transport rule and
    Move Up
    Move Down
    as needed.
    A proper rule hierarchy is recommended to ensure emails successfully forward to
    Enterprise DLP
    • The email transport rule should always be the highest priority rule relative to the other transport rules required for Email DLP.
    • Any email encryption rules not created as part of the email DLP configuration must be ordered below the transport rules created for Email DLP.
      Enterprise DLP
      cannot inspect encrypted emails.
    • There is no impact in regards to priority between the quarantine transport rules, block transport rule, encrypt transport rule, or any other transport rules that exist.
      Enterprise DLP
      inspects and returns the email back to Microsoft Exchange, the appropriate transport rule action will occur based on the email header.

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