In addition to the XML APIs that are available for configuration
and management in Panorama, there are
XML APIs for the Cloud Services plugin that you can use to perform
tasks specific to Prisma Access. Use these APIs through a third-party
service, application, or script to automate configuration and reporting
tasks for Prisma Access.
To access the API using the browser, log in to the Panorama that
manages Prisma Access with administrator privileges, then enter /api at
the end of the URL. The URL changes to the XML API browser interface.
The Prisma Access APIs are located in the following XML Path
Language (XPath) nodes in the XML tree:
Configuration Commands: XML APIConfiguration Commandsdevicesentry[@name='localhost.localdomain']pluginscloud_services
Operational Commands: XML APIOperational Commandsrequestplugins cloud_servicesprisma-access
As you navigate in the XML tree, Prisma Access populates the
tree in the XML area. You can enter required
values in the XML area and click Submit to
process an XML request. For example, to request the onboarding status
of a job, navigate to XML APIOperational Commandsrequestpluginscloud_servicesprisma-accessjob-statusjobid, enter the Job id in
the jobid field, enter the Service Type servicetype area,
and click Submit to submit your request.
This XML only retrieves the onboarding status of a job.
To retrieve the status of all commit operations, use the Prisma
Access UI.