Add a ServiceNow Notification Profile
Prisma Access

Add a ServiceNow Notification Profile

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Add a ServiceNow Notification Profile

Learn how to create a ServiceNow notification profile using Strata Cloud Manager.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  1. To add a ServiceNow notification profile using Strata Cloud Manager, go to Prisma® Access Prisma Access Incidents & Alerts Notification Profiles.
  2. Create a new Notification Profile by choosing Add Notification Profile.
  3. The New Profile window appears. Under General:
    1. Name—Enter a profile name.
    2. Description (optional)—Enter an optional description of up to 72 characters.
  4. Under Notification Method, select ServiceNow.
    1. Under Details, enter a profile Name, a valid HTTPS URL, a Username, and a Password.
      Enter an HTTPS URL to proceed with your setup.
      This field contains the URL that will be used to connect to the ServiceNow instance through the ServiceNow table APIs. The URL must include the entire domain name and the table name in this format:
      https://<domain name>/api/now/table/myTable
      where myTable is the name of the table on ServiceNow where tickets will be created.
    2. ServiceNow Mapping shows each Prisma SASE Incident Field and how it maps to each ServiceNow Incident Field. For example, when you set up ServiceNow, you map the incident_id, which is your column name in ServiceNow, for the Incident ID field in Prisma Access. ServiceNow could add a prefix (for example, u_incident_id) to all ServiceNow Incident Fields, so be sure to check the correct names of your columns to map them to Prisma Access fields. Enter your ServiceNow fields in this table to make sure ServiceNow pushes the correct data for a Prisma Access incident. Enter data in the mandatory fields marked with asterisks (*).
      ServiceNow might or might not add a prefix to your information.
      The following image shows how you can find your correct column names from ServiceNow. These are the column names you need to input in your form.
    3. The Custom Field enables you to customize a static field to use in any way you want. For example, you can set up the Custom Field to show a static value in a column in your ServiceNow table. You can enter a key value pair or multiple key value pairs separated by a comma. For example, Product: Prisma SASE, Environment: production.
    4. Move the SASE Mapping toggle to Yes for Prisma SASE to push incidents to ServiceNow and also get incident updates. Enter ServiceNow Mapped Field data in the mandatory fields (with asterisks), and select Run Test Case to create a test incident. The test case helps verify whether your ServiceNow integration is working.
    5. The Please Authorize ServiceNow Integration message appears. Select Authorize to confirm that you want to have your Prisma Access incidents appear on your ServiceNow instance and ServiceNow incident updates appear on your Prisma SASE interface.
  5. Select Save.
    1. Once you have successfully saved your ServiceNow profile, it appears in the Notification Subscriptions table, with Yes in the ServiceNow column. The ServiceNow column says Yes (Test Successful) if you ran a successful test case, and Yes (Test Not Executed) if you did not run a test case at all.
      You can have only one active ServiceNow integration at a time. The State column in the Notification Subscriptions table shows is Enabled for your active ServiceNow integration.