Change the Guaranteed Bandwidth
Prisma Access

Change the Guaranteed Bandwidth

Table of Contents

Change the Guaranteed Bandwidth

This section describes how to change the guaranteed bandwidth for each site
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
If you have multiple remote network locations that are associated to one IPSec termination node, you can change the guaranteed bandwidth for each site. In the following example, you want the Canada East location to receive more bandwidth then the Canada Central location; to do so, complete the following steps.
  1. Select
    Cloud Services
    Remote Networks
  2. Click the gear to edit the settings and select
  3. Enable QoS
    , assign a
    QoS Profile
    in this example) and a
    Guaranteed Bandwidth Ratio
    to the Canada Central compute location.
  4. Select
    Customize Per Site
    , enable
    Customize Per Site
    , then apply a higher bandwidth
    Allocation Ratio
    for the RN-8 remote network (for the Canada East location) than the RN-9 remote network (for the Canada Central location).
    The following example shows an
    Allocation Ratio
    of 70% for RN-8 and 30% for RN-9. The
    Guaranteed Bandwidth (Mbps)
    changes accordingly, showing the new guaranteed bandwidth amounts.
    When complete, your configuration has the following guaranteed bandwidth allocation for the two sites.
    You can also assign different QoS profiles per remote network location. To assign different profiles, enable the
    Customize Per Site
    capability, and select different QoS profiles for each remote network location.
    If you have a remote network that has ECMP enabled to use multiple IPSec tunnels for a single remote network, you can change the
    Allocation Ratio
    for the IPSec tunnels you use for that remote network location.
  5. Save and Commit your changes.
    The guaranteed bandwidth values display in the
    Cloud Services
    Remote Networks
    area, in the
    Guaranteed Mbps
    area. If you did not specify a bandwidth, it displays as 0.

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