Get User and Group Information Using the Cloud Identity Engine

Get User and Group Information Using the Cloud Identity Engine

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Get User and Group Information Using the Cloud Identity Engine

Use the Cloud Identity Engine to retrieve user and group information for Prisma Access.
Prisma Access retrieves user and group information from your organization’s cloud directory or Active Directory (AD) to enforce user- and group-based policy. You can simplify the retrieval of user and group information by using the Cloud Identity Engine.
In addition to simplifying user and group information retrieval, integrating the Cloud Identity Engine with Prisma Access can free up the bandwidth and load on your cloud directory or AD. Without Cloud Identity Engine integration, all the remote networks and mobile users nodes in your Prisma Access deployment, including nodes in a Mobile Users—GlobalProtect and Mobile Users—Explicit Proxy deployment, individually communicate with your cloud directory or AD using the service connection.
You can use the Cloud Identity Engine to retrieve user and group information for Prisma Access for mobile users, remote networks, or both, by completing the following steps.
The Cloud Identity Engine integration with Prisma Access has the following implementation restrictions:
  • Make sure that the groups you use with Cloud Identity Engine do not have any of the following special characters, because Prisma Access does not support the use of following special characters in groups and commit operations will fail:
    • " (Double quotes)
    • ' (Apostrophe)
    • < (less than sign)
    • > (greater than sign)
    • & (ampersand)
  • If you associate Cloud Identity Engine with Prisma Access, your user names must use the NetBIOS format that includes the domain. You can specify usernames in email format (
    format, or User Principal Name (UPN) format (
  • Group names must be in the
    format (for example,
  • Cloud Identity Engine does not apply any settings you specify in the group include list (
    User Identification
    Group Mapping Settings
    Group Include List
    ); instead, it retrieves user and group information from your entire configuration, including groups used in all device groups and templates.
  1. Create a Cloud Identity Engine instance for Prisma Access, and make a note of the instance name.
    When you activate the Cloud Identity Engine, it creates an instance. You use the instance name when you associate the Cloud Identity Engine with Prisma Access in a later step. Optionally, if you need to create a separate instance for Prisma Access, create it and make a note of the instance name.
  2. Configure the Cloud Identity Engine to retrieve your directory data.
  3. (
    Deployments with on-premises Active Directory only
    ) If you use an on-premises Active Directory, Install and configure the Cloud Identity Agent to communicate with your on-premises AD and configure mutual authentication between the Cloud Identity Engine service and the agent.
    1. Log in to the hub, click the gear icon to edit the
      , then
      Manage Apps
    2. Select the Panorama app.
    3. Select the
      Cloud Identity Engine
      instance you want to associate with the app and click
  4. Associate the Panorama that manages Prisma Access with Cloud Identity Engine in the hub.
    Using the Cloud Identity Engine with Prisma Access is not supported in a multitenant environment.
    1. Find the serial number of the Panorama that manages Prisma Access by selecting the
      and noting the
      Serial #
      that displays.
    2. Log in to the Palo Alto Networks hub and select
    3. Find the serial number of the Panorama that manages Prisma Access, select it, then select
      Add Directory Sync
    4. Enter the
      Directory Sync
      instance you retrieved in Step 1.
      You do not need to select the
      ; the Cloud Identity Engine uses the same region that Prisma Access uses for Strata Logging Service.
    5. Click
      when complete.
    6. (
      ) If you need to edit an existing Cloud Identity Engine instance after you create it, select
      Prisma Access - DirSync Mapping
      , select the Panorama’s serial number, select
      , and enter the following information in the window that displays:
      • Enter a
        for the Cloud Identity Engine - Prisma Access mapping.
      • Optionally, enter a
        for the mapping.
      • Select the
        Directory Sync
        instance name that you noted in Step 1.
      Serial Number
      fields populate automatically.
  5. Enable the Cloud Identity Engine on Prisma Access.
    1. On the Panorama that manages Prisma Access, select one of the following tabs:.
      • To configure Cloud Identity Engine for a Mobile Users—GlobalProtect deployment, select
        Cloud Services
        Mobile Users—GlobalProtect
        Cloud Services
        Mobile Users—Explicit Proxy
        , select the gear icon to edit the settings, then select
        Group Mapping Settings
      • To configure Cloud Identity Engine for Prisma Access for a remote network deployment, select
        Cloud Services
        Remote Networks
        , select the gear icon to edit the settings, then select
        Group Mapping Settings
    2. Select
      Enable Directory Sync Integration
      to enable Cloud Identity Engine with Prisma Access.
    3. Enter the following information:
      • Enter the
        Primary Username
        (the logon name attribute for the user, such as
        ). This field is required.
        Prisma Access supports the userPrincipalName (UPN) attribute that is used with Azure AD and Okta Directory. If you configure Azure or Okta as the identity provider (IdP) in the Cloud Identity Engine, specify the
        Primary Username
      • (
        ) Enter the
        attribute (such as
      • (
        ) If you use alternate name attributes for the user, enter them. You can enter up to three alternate user names (
        Alternate User Name 1
        Alternate User Name 2
        , and
        Alternate User Name 3
    4. Click
      when complete.
  6. Commit and push (
    Commit and Push
    ) your changes.

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