Deploy App Settings to Linux Endpoints

Deploy App Settings to Linux Endpoints

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Deploy App Settings to Linux Endpoints

Customize GlobalProtect app settings in pre-deployment configuration file for deploying to Linux endpoints.
You can set the GlobalProtect app customization settings in the pre-deployment configuration file (pangps.xml). This enables deployment of GlobalProtect app settings to Linux endpoints prior to their first connection to the GlobalProtect portal.
On Linux endpoints, the pre-deployment configuration file (pangps.xml) is located in /opt/paloaltonetworks/globalprotect.
The following table lists the pre-deployment settings for Linux endpoints that you can add to the pangps.xml file to customize the behavior of the GlobalProtect app and how the user interacts with the GlobalProtect app.
Portal Agent Configuration
Connect Method
connect-method on-demand | user-logon
Allow User to Change Portal Address
can-change-portal yes | no
Allow User to Continue with Invalid Portal Server Certificate
can-continue-if-portal-cert-invalid yes | no
Use Default Browser for SAML Authentication
default-browser yes | no
Portal Connection Timeout (sec)
portal-timeout <portaltimeout>
TCP Connection Timeout (sec)
connect-timeout <connect-timeout>
TCP Receive Timeout (sec)
receive-timeout <receive-timeout>
Not in portal
This setting specifies the default portal IP address (or hostname).
Portal <IPaddress>
If you have already installed the GlobalProtect app on the Linux endpoint, follow these instructions:
  1. Stop the GlobalProtect VPN daemon. Use the sudo systemctl stop gpd.service command.
    user@linuxhost:~$ sudo systemctl stop gpd.service
  2. Add the pre-deployment settings to the pangps.xml file in /opt/paloaltonetworks/globalprotect.
  3. Modify the pre-deployment setting you want to edit for the pangps.xml file in /opt/paloaltonetworks/globalprotect.
  4. Reboot the Linux endpoint in order for the pre-deployment configuration changes to take effect.
If you are installing the GlobalProtect app for the first time, follow these instructions to deploy various settings to the Linux endpoint.
  1. Create the /opt/paloaltonetworks/globalprotect/pangps.xml pre-deployment configuration file.
  2. Add the pre-deployment settings to the pangps.xml file, including the connect method for the GlobalProtect app and the default browser for SAML authentication.
    The following example shows the XML configuration of the pre-deployment changes that you deployed on the Linux endpoint, including the portal IP address (or hostname) under <PanSetup>.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>