Monitor Device Telemetry

Monitor Device Telemetry

Table of Contents

Monitor Device Telemetry

You can see the current status of PAN-OS device telemetry sharing attempts.
PAN-OS shows you the sharing status for each telemetry category. Widgets for each metrics category are available at DeviceSetupTelemetry.
In the event of a failure, your device will retry the send attempt at the next transmission time. If the problem persists, check to make sure that your devices are properly configured to send data to Strata Logging Service:
  • If your organization has a Strata Logging Service license, then make sure your Strata Logging Service license has been activated, and that your firewall is configured to use Strata Logging Service.
  • If your organization does not have a Strata Logging Service license, then make sure you have installed a device certificate, and that your network is configured to allow traffic to Strata Logging Service.