Global Find enables you to search the candidate configuration on a firewall or on Panorama for a
particular string, such as an IP address, object name, policy rule name, threat ID,
UUID, or application name. In addition to searching for configuration objects and
settings, you can search by job ID or job type for manual commits that
administrators performed or auto-commits that the firewall or Panorama performed.
You can also use Global Find to search for IP addresses within external dynamic
lists. The search results are grouped by category and provide links to the
configuration location in the web interface, so that you can easily find all of the
places where the string is referenced. The search results also help you identify
other objects that depend on or make reference to the search term or string. For
example, when deprecating a security profile enter the profile name in Global Find
to locate all instances of the profile and then click each instance to navigate to
the configuration page and make the necessary change. After all references are
removed, you can then delete the profile. You can do this for any configuration item
that has dependencies.
Find will not search dynamic content (such as logs, address ranges,
or allocated DHCP addresses). In the case of DHCP, you can search on
a DHCP server attribute, such as the DNS entry, but you cannot search
for individual addresses allocated to users. Global Find also does
not search for individual user or group names identified by User-ID
unless the user/group is defined in a policy. In general, you can
only search content that the firewall writes to the configuration.