SCTP Log Fields

SCTP Log Fields

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SCTP Log Fields

Format: FUTURE_USE, Receive Time, Serial Number, Type, FUTURE_USE, FUTURE_USE, Generated Time, Source Address, Destination Address, FUTURE_USE, FUTURE_USE, Rule Name, FUTURE_USE, FUTURE_USE, FUTURE_USE, Virtual System, Source Zone, Destination Zone, Inbound Interface, Outbound Interface, Log Action, FUTURE_USE, Session ID, Repeat Count, Source Port, Destination Port, FUTURE_USE, FUTURE_USE, FUTURE_USE, FUTURE_USE, IP Protocol, Action, Device Group Hierarchy Level 1, Device Group Hierarchy Level 2, Device Group Hierarchy Level 3, Device Group Hierarchy Level 4, Virtual System Name, Device Name, Sequence Number, FUTURE_USE, SCTP Association ID, Payload Protocol ID, Severity, SCTP Chunk Type, FUTURE_USE, SCTP Verification Tag 1, SCTP Verification Tag 2, SCTP Cause Code, Diameter App ID, Diameter Command Code, Diameter AVP Code, SCTP Stream ID, SCTP Association End Reason, Op Code, SCCP Calling Party SSN, SCCP Calling Party Global Title, SCTP Filter, SCTP Chunks, SCTP Chunks Sent, SCTP Chunks Received, Packets, Packets Sent, Packets Received, UUID for rule
Field Name
Receive Time (receive_time or cef-formatted-receive_time)
Time the log was received at the management plane.
Serial Number (serial)
Serial number of the firewall that generated the log.
Type (type)
Specifies the type of log; value is SCTP.
Generated Time (time_generated or cef-formatted-time_generated)
Time the log was generated on the dataplane.
Source Address (src)
Original session source IP address.
Destination Address (dst)
Original session destination IP address.
Rule Name (rule)
Name of the Security policy rule in effect on the session.
Virtual System (vsys)
Virtual System associated with the session.
Source Zone (from)
Zone the session was sourced from.
Destination Zone (to)
Zone the session was destined to.
Inbound Interface (inbound_if)
Interface that the session was sourced from.
Outbound Interface (outbound_if)
Interface that the session was destined to.
Log Action (logset)
Log Forwarding Profile that was applied to the session.
Session ID (sessionid)
An internal numerical identifier applied to each session.
Repeat Count (repeatcnt)
Number of sessions with same Source IP, Destination IP, Application, and Subtype seen within 5 seconds.
Source Port (sport)
Source port utilized by the session.
Destination Port (dport)
Destination port utilized by the session.
IP Protocol (proto)
IP protocol associated with the session.
Action (action)
Action taken for the session; possible values are:
  • allow—session was allowed by the policy
  • deny—session was denied by the policy
Device Group Hierarchy (dg_hier_level_1 to dg_hier_level_4)
A sequence of identification numbers that indicate the device group’s location within a device group hierarchy. The firewall (or virtual system) generating the log includes the identification number of each ancestor in its device group hierarchy. The shared device group (level 0) is not included in this structure.
If the log values are 12, 34, 45, 0, it means that the log was generated by a firewall (or virtual system) that belongs to device group 45, and its ancestors are 34, and 12. To view the device group names that correspond to the value 12, 34 or 45, use one of the following methods:
API query:
Virtual System Name (vsys_name)
The name of the virtual system associated with the session; only valid on firewalls enabled for multiple virtual systems.
Device Name (device_name)
The hostname of the firewall on which the session was logged.
Sequence Number (seqno)
A 64-bit log entry identifier incremented sequentially; each log type has a unique number space.
SCTP Association ID (assoc_id)
An internal 56-bit numerical logical identifier applied to each SCTP association.
Payload Protocol ID (ppid)
Identifies the Payload Protocol ID (PPID) in the data chunk which triggered this event. PPID is assigned by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
Severity (severity)
Severity associated with the event; values are informational, low, medium, high, critical.
SCTP Chunk Type (sctp_chunk_type)
Describes the type of information contained in a chunk, such as control or data.
SCTP Event Type (sctp_event_type)
Defines the event triggered per SCTP chunk or packet when SCTP protection profile is applied to the SCTP traffic. It is also triggered by start or end of a SCTP association.
SCTP Verification Tag 1 (verif_tag_1)
Used by endpoint1 which initiates the association to verify if the SCTP packet received belongs to current SCTP association and validate the endpoint2.
SCTP Verification Tag 2 (verif_tag_2)
Used by endpoint2 to verify if the SCTP packet received belongs to current SCTP association and validate the endpoint1.
SCTP Cause Code (sctp_cause_code)
Sent by an endpoint to specify reason for an error condition to other endpoint of same SCTP association.
Diameter App ID (diam_app_id)
The diameter application in the data chunk which triggered the event. Diameter Application ID is assigned by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
Diameter Command Code (diam_cmd_code)
The diameter command code in the data chunk which triggered the event. Diameter Command Code is assigned by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Diameter AVP Code (diam_avp_code)
The diameter AVP code in the data chunk which triggered the event.
SCTP Stream ID (stream_id)
ID of the stream which carries the data chunk which triggered the event.
SCTP Association End Reason (assoc_end_reason)
Reason an association was terminated. If the termination had multiple causes, the highest priority reason is displayed. The possible session end reasons in descending priority are:
  • shutdown-from-endpoint (highest)—endpoint sends out SHUTDOWN
  • abort-from-endpoint—endpoint sends out ABORT
  • unknown (lowest)—the association aged out, or association termination reason is not covered by one of the previous reasons (for example, a clear session all command).
Op Code (op_code)
Identifies the operation code of application layer SS7 protocols, like MAP or CAP, in the data chunk which triggered the event.
SCCP Calling Party SSN (sccp_calling_ssn)
The Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) calling party subsystem number (SSN) in the data chunk which triggered the event.
SCCP Calling Party Global Title (sccp_calling_gt)
The Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) calling party global title (GT) in the data chunk which triggered the event.
SCTP Filter (sctp_filter)
Name of the filter that the SCTP chunk matched.
SCTP Chunks (chunks)
Number of total chunks (transmit and receive) for the association.
SCTP Chunks Sent (chunks_sent)
Number of endpoint1(which initiates association)-to-endpoint2 chunks for the association.
SCTP Chunks Received (chunks_received)
Number of endpoint2-to-endpoint1(which initiates association) chunks for the association.
Packets (packets)
Number of total packets (transmit and receive) for the session.
Packets Sent (pkts_sent)
Number of client-to-server packets for the session.
Packets Received (pkts_received)
Number of server-to-client packets for the session.
UUID for rule (rule_uuid)
The UUID that permanently identifies the rule.