: Delete Cloud Apps Managed by Data Security

Delete Cloud Apps Managed by Data Security

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Delete Cloud Apps Managed by Data Security

Learn how to delete a cloud app from Data Security.
When you delete a cloud app, Data Security purges all related cloud app data from Data Security, removes the cloud app from the Dashboard, and relinquishes permissions to access the cloud app. Deleting a cloud app does not remove the integration from the cloud app’s marketplace—you must do so manually.
For specific cloud apps, the cloud app vendor automatically notifies Data Security when you delete the integration. If you do not delete the cloud app, the SaaS Security web interface displays Marketplace integration deleted. Finish installing.. In this case, we recommend that you also delete the cloud app to complete your uninstall.
Delete a cloud app if:
Before you delete a managed cloud app, contact SaaS Security Technical Support to speak with an experienced Support Engineer who will help you troubleshoot your issue.
  • Cloud app not in use—Your organization no longer uses the cloud app or was only using the cloud app on a trial basis, and you have no need to view the analytics that Data Security compiled for the cloud app.
  • Integration deleted—You already deleted the integration on the cloud app’s marketplace and have no use for the cloud app data.
  • Asset display issues—Asset information isn't displaying as expected, and you intend to add the cloud app again. A scan from scratch (includes both forward and backward scans) usually resolves this behavior, but a scan can take 24 hours or more to complete, depending on the number of assets. Before you delete the cloud app, try to resolve using reauthentication or, if available for your cloud app rescan.
  • Scan issues—You’re having unusual scan issues, and you don't have any assets on your tenant.
  1. (Recommended) Log in to your cloud app’s marketplace and delete the Data Security integration.
  2. Log in to SaaS Security. Go to Data SecurityApplications<Your Application>View SettingsVertical Ellipses (…)Delete App Instance.