: Take Action on Risky Accounts

Take Action on Risky Accounts

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Take Action on Risky Accounts

Take action on any risky account.
After you assess the threats posed by risky accounts, you can take action. You have a few choices:
  • Defer action on the newly detected risky account by 1 week or 1 month.
  • Use the redirect link provided to navigate to the SaaS application’s web interface where you can delete the local account.
  • Wait for the duration expiration for previously deferred risky accounts, then defer again. Indefinite deferral isn’t an option because it creates blind spots.
  1. Navigate to SaaS Security Posture Management.
  2. Navigate to an application's risky accounts.
  3. Take action. From the Actions column, you can choose to ignore the risky account for 1 week or 1 month. You can delete the risk account from the application.