Firewall Placement for DoS Protection

Firewall Placement for DoS Protection

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Firewall Placement for DoS Protection

Firewalls aren’t meant to be a network’s primary DoS protection device, but do provide another layer of protection positioned closer to your resources.
The firewall is a session-based device that isn’t designed to scale to millions of connections-per-second (CPS) to defend against large volumetric DoS attacks. The firewall treats each unique flow (based on ingress and egress zone, source and destination IP, protocol, and application) as a session, spends CPU cycles on packet inspection at the port and the IP level to provide visibility into application traffic, and must count each session for the flood threshold counters, so firewall placement is critical to avoid flooding the firewall.
For the best DoS protection, place firewalls as close to the resources you’re protecting as possible. This reduces the number of sessions the firewall needs to handle and therefore the amount of firewall resources required to provide DoS protection.
At the internet-facing perimeter, do not place firewalls you use for DoS protection or zone protection in front of dedicated DDoS devices and perimeter routers and switches. Make those high-volume devices your first line of DoS defense to mitigate volumetric flood attacks. For zone and DoS protection at the perimeter, use high-capacity firewalls and place them behind the high-volume devices. As a rule, the closer a firewall is to the perimeter, the higher capacity it must be to handle the volume of traffic.
The way you segment your network into zones can help mitigate internal DoS attacks. Smaller zones provide greater visibility into traffic and prevent lateral movement of malware better because more traffic must cross zones, and to allow interzonal traffic requires you to create a specific Security policy rule (all intrazonal traffic is allowed by default). Consider revisiting your segmentation approach if your network is relatively unsegmented.