: View All Open Incidents

View All Open Incidents

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View All Open Incidents

Learn how to view all open incidents on Data Security.
On Data Security, you can quickly find and view all open incidents to investigate and remediate and retrieve a summary of the number of open incidents detected against each policy rule. When Data Security starts scanning files and matching them against enabled policy rules, the default action is to generate a log when a policy violation occurs. If you enabled email alerts for high-risk issues such as malware or PII compliance violations, you will also receive an automatic email notification in addition to the recording of an incident in the log.
  1. To view all open incidents by severity, on the Data Security Dashboard, see Open Incidents by Severity.
  2. To view the open incidents by status, on the Data Security Dashboard, see Open Incidents by Status.
  3. To view all open incidents, click the View all open incidents link.
  4. Continue to Assess Incidents and Manually Remediate Incidents, or review the asset rules that triggered the incident and configure Automatic Incident Remediation Options.