: Modify Active SaaS Policy Rule Recommendations

Modify Active SaaS Policy Rule Recommendations

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Modify Active SaaS Policy Rule Recommendations

Learn how to modify active SaaS policy rule recommendations for SaaS Security Inline.
As SaaS Security Inline continuously adds new SaaS applications to the Application Dictionary, you must determine if you want to modify your existing SaaS policy rule recommendations to reflect such advancements. For example, if you have a recommendation to block risky file sharing applications and a new, risky file sharing application displays in the App Dictionary, consider adding that SaaS app to your existing rule. SaaS Security Inline automatically pushes these updates to your firewall, and your firewall administrator manually imports the changes and updates the rulebase.
  1. Navigate to SaaS Security Inline.
  2. To navigate to the Policy Recommendations view, select Discovered AppsPolicy Recommendations.
  3. In the table, locate the rule recommendation that you want to modify.
  4. In the Actions column, select the Edit action.
  5. Modify the existing recommendation and save the recommendation.