Edit the Session Settings section and enable Packet
Buffer Protection.
Enable Buffering Latency Based.
Enter the Latency Alert (milliseconds) threshold
above which the firewall starts generating an Alert log event every
minute; range is 1 to 20,000; default is 50.
Enter the Latency Activate (milliseconds) threshold
above which the firewall activates random early drop (RED) on incoming packets
and starts generating an Activate log every 10 seconds; range is
1 to 20,000ms; default is 200ms.
Enter the Latency Max Tolerate (milliseconds) threshold
above which the firewall uses RED with close to 100% drop probability; range
is 1 to 20,000ms; default is 500ms.
If the current latency is a value between the Latency
Activate threshold and the Latency Max Tolerate threshold,
the firewall calculates the RED drop probability as follows: (current
latency - Latency Activate threshold) / (Latency
Max Tolerate threshold - Latency Activate threshold).
For example, if the current latency is 300, Latency Activate is
200, and Latency Max Tolerate is 500, then
(300-200)/(500-200) = 1/3, meaning the firewall uses approximately
33% RED drop probability.
Configure the Block Hold Time and Block
Duration as for Packet Buffer Protection based
on utilization.
Click OK.
Enable the second layer of protection for each zone where
you want packet buffer protection based on latency.