Low Severity System Log Messages

Low Severity System Log Messages

Table of Contents

Low Severity System Log Messages


  • audit
  • auth
  • dns-security
  • dynamic-updates
  • routing
  • vpn
Event IDDescription
cli<config command>
api<config command>
gnmi<config command>
gui-op<config command>
Event IDDescription
cas-message(profile id:<id>)<message>
saml-out-of-band-messageClient '<name>' received out-of-band SAML message: <message>
Event IDDescription
PAN_ELOG_EVENT_DNSSEC_CACHE_FAILDNS signature initialization from file storage failed, start with empty cache.
Event IDDescription
Event IDDescription
routed-config-p1-failedRoute daemon configuration load phase-1 failed.
routed-BGP-peer-failedBGP peer session has failed and may restart.
routed-BGP-peer-restartedInitiated graceful-restart with a BGP peer.
routed-BGP-peer-restart-failedGraceful-restart with a BGP peer failed.
routed-RTM-bad-routeAn invalid dynamic route has been rejected:
routed-OSPF-LSA-chksum-invalidOSPF received LSA with invalid checksum.
routed-OSPF-LSA-chksum-invalidOSPF received LSA with invalid checksum.
routed-OSPF-LSA-chksum-failedOSPF LSA checksum generating failed due to memory corruption.
routed-OSPF-LSA-chksum-failedOSPF LSA checksum generating failed due to memory corruption.
routed-OSPF-md5chksum-badOSPF packet dropped due to incorrect MD5 checksum.
routed-OSPF-authtype-badOSPF packet dropped due to unexpected authentication type.
routed-OSPF-password-badOSPF packet dropped due to incorrect simple password.
routed-OSPF-chksum-badOSPF packet dropped due to incorrect OSPF checksum.
routed-OSPF-sequence-badOSPF packet dropped due to incorrect sequence number.
routed-OSPF-hello-hello-intval-badOSPF hello packet dropped due to hello-interval mismatch.
routed-OSPF-hello-dead-intval-badOSPF hello packet dropped due to dead-interval mismatch.
routed-OSPF-hello-netmask-badOSPF hello packet dropped due to network masks mismatch.
routed-OSPF-hello-area-type-badOSPF hello packet dropped due to area type mismatch.
routed-PIM-interface-state-changedPIM interface state changed
routed-RIP-authtype-badRIP packet dropped due to unexpected authentication type.
routed-RIP-auth-failedRIP packet dropped due to authentication failure.
routed-RIP-md5length-badRIP packet dropped due to incorrect MD5 digest length.
routed-RIP-md5length-badRIP packet dropped due to incorrect MD5 digest length.
routed-RIP-auth-failedRIP packet dropped due to authentication failure.
Event IDDescription
ike-nego-p1-dpd-dnIKE phase-1 SA is down determined by DPD.
ikev2-nego-ike-dpd-dnIKEv2 IKE SA is down determined by DPD.


  • Check DB uid failed, ignoring for re-registration. Return code: <num>
  • Switch fabric to network processor link renegotiated.
  • Successful SCP in of Deployment file: '<file>'